Coronavirus Worldwide Cases:
Coronavirus Cases:
Currently Infected Patients
1,393,013 (96 %)
in Mild Condition
51,110 (4 %)
Serious or Critical
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Jan 22 Mar 18 Jan 30 Feb 07 Feb 15 Feb 23 Mar 02 Mar 10 Mar 26 Apr 03 Apr 11 0 1M 2M
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Cases which had an outcome:
526,337 (79 %)
Recovered / Discharged
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Feb 02 Mar 15 Feb 09 Feb 16 Feb 23 Mar 01 Mar 08 Mar 22 Mar 29 Apr 05 Apr 12 0% 100%
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Total Coronavirus Cases Total Cases (Linear Scale) Jan 22 Mar 07 Feb 06 Feb 21 Mar 22 Apr 06 0 500k 1,000k 1,500k 2,000k 2,500k Cases
Total Coronavirus Deaths Total Deaths (Linear Scale) Jan 22 Mar 07 Feb 06 Feb 21 Mar 22 Apr 06 0 50k 100k 150k Deaths Feb 04 ● Deaths: 492
The charts above are updated after the close of the day in GMT+0. See more graphs
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission - Air distance, air currents, duration in air, humidity, airborne transmission, duration on objects and surfaces, floorConfirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance
Other Total
Cases New
Cases Total
Deaths New
Deaths Total
Recovered Active
Cases Serious,
Critical Tot Cases/
1M pop Deaths/
1M pop Total
Tests Tests/
1M pop
World 2,107,450 +25,078 136,990 +2,430 526,337 1,444,123 51,110 270 17.6
USA 644,823 +734 28,580 +51 48,710 567,533 13,487 1,948 86 3,265,595 9,866
Spain 182,816 +2,157 19,130 +318 74,797 88,889 7,371 3,910 409 930,230 19,896
Italy 165,155 21,645 38,092 105,418 3,079 2,732 358 1,117,404 18,481
France 147,863 17,167 30,955 99,741 6,457 2,265 263 333,807 5,114
Germany 135,383 +630 3,850 +46 77,000 54,533 4,288 1,616 46 1,728,357 20,629
UK 103,093 +4,617 13,729 +861 N/A 89,020 1,559 1,519 202 417,649 6,152
China 82,341 +46 3,342 77,892 1,107 95 57 2
Iran 77,995 +1,606 4,869 +92 52,229 20,897 3,594 929 58 310,340 3,695
Turkey 69,392 1,518 5,674 62,200 1,820 823 18 477,716 5,664
Belgium 34,809 +1,236 4,857 +417 7,562 22,390 1,182 3,003 419 134,303 11,588
Netherlands 29,214 +1,061 3,315 +181 250 25,649 1,279 1,705 193 147,948 8,634
Brazil 29,015 +405 1,760 +3 14,026 13,229 296 137 8 62,985 296
Canada 28,379 1,010 8,979 18,390 557 752 27 467,736 12,393
Russia 27,938 +3,448 232 +34 2,304 25,402 8 191 2 1,613,413 11,056
Switzerland 26,732 +396 1,269 +30 15,400 10,063 386 3,089 147 199,000 22,993
Portugal 18,841 +750 629 +30 493 17,719 229 1,848 62 208,314 20,430
Austria 14,412 +62 393 8,986 5,033 232 1,600 44 156,801 17,410
India 12,759 +389 423 +1 1,514 10,822 9 0.3 274,599 199
Israel 12,591 +90 140 +10 2,624 9,827 174 1,455 16 187,250 21,634
Ireland 12,547 444 77 12,026 158 2,541 90 90,646 18,358
Sweden 12,540 +613 1,333 +130 381 10,826 996 1,242 132 74,600 7,387
Peru 11,475 254 3,108 8,113 146 348 8 109,385 3,318
S. Korea 10,613 +22 229 +4 7,757 2,627 55 207 4 538,775 10,509
Japan 8,626 178 901 7,547 168 68 1 94,236 745
Chile 8,273 94 2,937 5,242 389 433 5 91,873 4,806
Ecuador 7,858 388 780 6,690 135 445 22 26,093 1,479
Poland 7,771 +189 292 +6 774 6,705 160 205 8 169,071 4,467
Romania 7,707 +491 392 +20 1,357 5,958 243 401 20 79,629 4,139
Pakistan 6,919 +536 128 +17 1,645 5,146 46 31 0.6 78,979 358
Denmark 6,879 +198 321 +12 3,023 3,535 89 1,188 55 82,380 14,223
Norway 6,798 +1 150 32 6,616 64 1,254 28 130,216 24,020
Australia 6,468 +21 63 3,747 2,658 66 254 2 380,003 14,902
Saudi Arabia 6,380 +518 83 +4 990 5,307 71 183 2 150,000 4,309
Czechia 6,303 +2 166 831 5,306 75 589 16 146,004 13,634
Mexico 5,847 +448 449 +43 2,125 3,273 207 45 3 40,091 311
Philippines 5,660 +207 362 +13 435 4,863 1 52 3 48,171 440
Indonesia 5,516 +380 496 +27 548 4,472 20 2 36,000 132
UAE 5,365 33 1,034 4,298 1 542 3 767,000 77,550
Serbia 5,318 +445 103 +4 443 4,772 120 609 12 29,472 3,373
Malaysia 5,182 +110 84 +1 2,766 2,332 56 160 3 87,183 2,694
Belarus 4,204 +476 40 +4 203 3,961 65 445 4 81,246 8,598
Ukraine 4,161 +397 116 +8 186 3,859 45 95 3 42,823 979
Qatar 4,103 +392 7 415 3,681 37 1,424 2 56,381 19,570
Panama 3,751 103 75 3,573 106 869 24 16,854 3,906
Singapore 3,699 10 652 3,037 29 632 2 72,680 12,423
Dominican Republic 3,614 189 208 3,217 143 333 17 9,275 855
Luxembourg 3,373 69 526 2,778 33 5,388 110 30,723 49,080
Finland 3,369 +132 75 +3 1,700 1,594 76 608 14 49,700 8,970
Colombia 3,105 131 452 2,522 106 61 3 48,628 956
Thailand 2,672 +29 46 +3 1,593 1,033 61 38 0.7 100,498 1,440
Argentina 2,571 115 +3 631 1,825 121 57 3 26,457 585
South Africa 2,506 34 410 2,062 7 42 0.6 90,515 1,526
Egypt 2,505 183 589 1,733 24 2 25,000 244
Morocco 2,251 +227 128 +1 247 1,876 1 61 3 11,433 310
Greece 2,192 102 269 1,821 72 210 10 50,771 4,871
Algeria 2,160 336 708 1,116 60 49 8 3,359 77
Moldova 2,049 51 +5 235 1,763 80 508 13 6,271 1,555
Croatia 1,791 +50 35 +2 529 1,227 31 436 9 20,158 4,910
Iceland 1,727 8 1,077 642 8 5,061 23 37,386 109,558
Bahrain 1,698 +27 7 703 988 3 998 4 76,630 45,035
Hungary 1,652 +73 142 +8 199 1,311 60 171 15 38,489 3,984
Bangladesh 1,572 +341 60 +10 49 1,463 1 10 0.4 17,003 103
Kuwait 1,524 +119 3 225 1,296 32 357 0.7
Estonia 1,434 +34 36 +1 133 1,265 10 1,081 27 36,024 27,156
Iraq 1,415 79 812 524 35 2 46,135 1,147
New Zealand 1,401 +15 9 770 622 3 291 2 70,160 14,549
Kazakhstan 1,362 +67 17 +1 273 1,072 22 73 0.9 85,735 4,566
Uzbekistan 1,349 +47 4 129 1,216 8 40 0.1 70,000 2,091
Azerbaijan 1,283 +30 15 +2 460 808 28 127 1 75,397 7,436
Slovenia 1,268 +20 61 174 1,033 31 610 29 38,137 18,344
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,167 +57 43 +2 277 847 4 356 13 14,743 4,494
Armenia 1,159 +48 18 +1 358 783 30 391 6 9,632 3,250
Lithuania 1,128 +37 30 178 920 14 414 11 48,537 17,829
Oman 1,019 +109 4 176 839 3 200 0.8
Hong Kong 1,018 +1 4 485 529 9 136 0.5 116,273 15,509
Slovakia 977 +114 8 +2 167 802 5 179 1 34,458 6,311
North Macedonia 974 45 98 831 15 468 22 9,262 4,446
Cameroon 848 17 165 666 32 0.6
Afghanistan 840 +56 30 +5 54 756 22 0.8
Cuba 814 24 151 639 15 72 2 20,451 1,806
Bulgaria 783 +36 37 +1 122 624 31 113 5 18,502 2,663
Tunisia 780 35 43 702 89 66 3 13,137 1,112
Cyprus 715 12 65 638 8 592 10 17,923 14,845
Diamond Princess 712 12 644 56 7
Latvia 675 +9 5 57 613 3 358 3 31,302 16,595
Andorra 673 33 169 471 17 8,710 427 1,673 21,653
Lebanon 663 +5 21 85 557 30 97 3 18,115 2,654
Ivory Coast 654 6 146 502 25 0.2
Ghana 641 8 83 550 2 21 0.3 50,719 1,632
Costa Rica 626 4 67 555 11 123 0.8 9,089 1,784
Niger 584 14 90 480 24 0.6 4,427 183
Burkina Faso 542 32 226 284 26 2
Albania 518 +24 26 +1 277 215 5 180 9 4,827 1,677
Uruguay 493 9 272 212 13 142 3 10,448 3,008
Kyrgyzstan 466 +17 5 91 370 5 71 0.8 26,147 4,008
Channel Islands 447 15 69 363 2,571 86 3,320 19,095
Bolivia 441 +44 29 +1 14 398 3 38 2 2,185 187
Djibouti 435 2 71 362 440 2 5,936 6,008
San Marino 426 +33 38 +2 55 333 15 12,555 1,120 846 24,933
Honduras 426 +7 35 +4 9 382 10 43 4 2,012 203
Malta 412 +13 3 82 327 4 933 7 21,164 47,932
Nigeria 407 12 128 267 2 2 0.06 5,000 24
Guinea 404 1 31 372 31 0.08
Jordan 401 7 250 144 5 39 0.7 20,500 2,009
Taiwan 395 6 155 234 17 0.3 50,703 2,129
Réunion 391 237 154 3 437
Palestine 374 2 63 309 73 0.4 17,329 3,397
Georgia 336 +30 3 74 259 6 84 0.8 5,027 1,260
Mauritius 324 9 65 250 3 255 7 8,279 6,510
Senegal 314 2 190 122 1 19 0.1
Montenegro 290 +2 4 55 231 7 462 6 3,874 6,168
Isle of Man 283 +27 4 153 126 13 3,328 47 2,261 26,590
Vietnam 268 177 91 8 3 135,938 1,397
DRC 267 +13 22 +1 23 222 3 0.2
Sri Lanka 238 7 68 163 1 11 0.3 4,768 223
Kenya 234 +9 11 +1 53 170 2 4 0.2 9,630 179
Mayotte 233 +16 3 69 161 3 854 11 1,500 5,498
Venezuela 197 9 111 77 6 7 0.3 225,009 7,913
Guatemala 196 +16 5 19 172 3 11 0.3 7,200 402
Faeroe Islands 184 169 15 3,766 5,765 117,983
Paraguay 174 +13 8 30 136 1 24 1 3,888 545
El Salvador 164 +5 6 33 125 2 25 0.9 8,333 1,285
Martinique 158 8 73 77 17 421 21
Mali 148 13 34 101 7 0.6
Guadeloupe 145 8 67 70 13 362 20
Brunei 136 1 108 27 2 311 2 10,826 24,746
Rwanda 136 54 82 11 6,237 482
Gibraltar 131 104 27 1 3,888 1,649 48,945
Jamaica 125 5 21 99 42 2 1,391 470
Cambodia 122 98 24 1 7 5,768 345
Congo 117 5 11 101 21 0.9
Trinidad and Tobago 114 8 20 86 81 6 1,282 916
Madagascar 111 +1 33 78 1 4
Tanzania 94 +6 4 11 79 2 0.07
Monaco 93 3 12 78 2 2,370 76
Aruba 93 1 39 53 1 871 9 1,198 11,221
Ethiopia 92 +7 3 15 74 0.8 0.03 5,389 47
French Guiana 86 51 35 1 288
Myanmar 85 +11 4 2 79 2 0.07 3,236 59
Bermuda 81 5 33 43 3 1,301 80 527 8,462
Togo 81 5 +2 45 31 10 0.6 3,618 437
Somalia 80 5 2 73 2 5 0.3
Gabon 80 1 4 75 36 0.4
Liechtenstein 79 1 55 23 2,072 26 900 23,605
Barbados 75 +2 5 15 55 4 261 17 900 3,132
Cayman Islands 60 1 6 53 3 913 15 636 9,677
Liberia 59 6 4 49 12 1
Sint Maarten 57 +4 9 12 36 6 1,329 210 163 3,802
Cabo Verde 56 1 1 54 101 2
Guyana 55 6 8 41 5 70 8 213 271
French Polynesia 55 55 1 196 920 3,275
Uganda 55 12 43 1 7,693 168
Bahamas 53 8 6 39 1 135 20
Equatorial Guinea 51 4 47 36 854 609
Zambia 48 2 30 16 1 3 0.1 1,696 92
Libya 48 1 11 36 7 0.1 634 92
Macao 45 16 29 1 69
Guinea-Bissau 43 43 22 1,500 762
Haiti 41 3 38 4 0.3 365 32
Saint Martin 35 2 13 20 5 905 52
Benin 35 1 18 16 3 0.08
Eritrea 35 35 10
Syria 33 2 5 26 2 0.1
Sudan 32 5 4 23 0.7 0.1
Mongolia 31 +1 5 26 9 1,077 329
Mozambique 29 2 27 0.9 793 25
Chad 27 +4 5 22 2
Antigua and Barbuda 23 3 +1 3 17 1 235 31 73 745
Zimbabwe 23 3 1 19 2 0.2 716 48
Maldives 23 +1 16 7 43 3,432 6,349
Angola 19 2 5 12 0.6 0.06
Laos 19 2 17 3 1,288 177
Belize 18 2 16 1 45 5 567 1,426
New Caledonia 18 1 17 1 63 3,002 10,515
Timor-Leste 18 +10 1 17 14
Fiji 17 +1 17 19
Malawi 16 2 14 1 0.8 0.1 343 18
Nepal 16 2 14 0.5 15,800 542
Dominica 16 8 8 222 345 4,793
Namibia 16 4 12 6 362 142
Eswatini 16 +1 8 8 14 714 615
Botswana 15 +2 1 14 6 0.4 3,441 1,463
Saint Lucia 15 11 4 82 319 1,737
Sierra Leone 15 +2 15 2
Curaçao 14 1 10 3 85 6 230 1,402
Grenada 14 14 2 124 92 818
Saint Kitts and Nevis 14 14 263 234 4,399
CAR 12 4 8 2
St. Vincent Grenadines 12 1 11 108 87 784
Falkland Islands 11 1 10 3,161 137 39,368
Greenland 11 11 0 194 912 16,065
Montserrat 11 1 10 1 2,204 36 7,212
Seychelles 11 11 112
Suriname 10 1 6 3 17 2
Turks and Caicos 10 1 9 258 26 71 1,834
MS Zaandam 9 2 7
Gambia 9 1 2 6 4 0.4 281 116
Nicaragua 9 1 4 4 1 0.2
Vatican City 8 2 6 9,988
Mauritania 7 1 2 4 2 0.2 713 153
St. Barth 6 4 2 607
Western Sahara 6 6 10
Burundi 5 1 4 0.4 0.08
Bhutan 5 2 3 6 1,166 1,511
Sao Tome and Principe 4 4 18 19 87
South Sudan 4 4 0.4
Anguilla 3 1 2 200
British Virgin Islands 3 2 1 99
Caribbean Netherlands 3 3 114 10 381
Papua New Guinea 2 2 0.2 167 19
Saint Pierre Miquelon 1 1 173
Yemen 1 1 0.03
Total: 2,107,450 +25,078 136,990 +2,430 526,337 1,444,123 51,110 270.4 17.6
Highlighted in green
= all cases have recovered from the infection
Highlighted in grey
= all cases have had an outcome (there are no active cases)
The "New" columns for China display the previous day changes (as China reports after the day is over). For all other countries, the "New" columns display the changes for the current day while still in progress.
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