१६५ जना बाल बालिका देखी स्ठानिय प्रतिभाहरुको बिबिध सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गर्दै ANS ले ५० औँ बर्ष गाँठ यसरी मनायो

१६५ जना बाल बालिका देखी स्ठानिय प्रतिभाहरुको प्रस्तुति, नेपाली राजदुत डा. अर्जुन कार्कीको प्रमुख आतिथ्य, बिभिन्न संघ संस्थाका प्रमुख देखी १६५ स्ठानिय प्रतिभाका अभिभाबकहरु, नेपाली समुदायका माझ अमेरिका
नेपाल सोसाइटीले आफ्नो पचासौं बर्ष गाँठ सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गरेको छ ।
मन्जु कार्की सङ्रौला अध्यक्ष रहनुभएको नर्सहरुको संस्था सान सहित, ए एन एस, अनेसास वाशिङटन डिसी मेट्रो कमिटी, अन्तराष्ट्रिय कलाकार मँच लगायतका अन्य संघ संस्थाहरुको समेत सहयोगमा रक्तदान कार्यक्रम समेत आयोजित भर्जिनियाको सेन्टरभिल हाइस्कुलमा सम्पन्न उक्त कार्यक्रममा बिबिध सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत हुँदा सबैले रमाइलो महशुस गर्दै आनन्द लिएका थिए ।
कार्यक्रम अध्यक्ष जिबन तिवारीको अध्यक्षतामा सम्पन्न भएको थियो भने कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गर्न कोअर्डिनेटर प्रभा भट्टराई देउजा, सुजित अर्जेल, प्रेम पौडेलको सक्रियता प्रशँशनिय थियो ।
ए एन एस् टिमलाई ५० औँ बर्ष गाँठको शुभकामना र बधाई साथ साथै कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न गरेकोमा कोअर्डिनेटर प्रभा भट्टराई देउजा, सुजीत अर्जेल, प्रेम पौडेल सहित अध्यक्ष जीवन तिवारी र सिँगो टिमलाई पनि नेपाल मदर डट कमको तर्फबाट हार्दिक बधाई । जिबन दान मानिने रक्तदान कार्यक्रमकी कोअर्डिनेटर मन्जु कार्की सङ्रौलालाई पनि धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद र बधाई दिन कन्जुस्याइँ गर्दैन नेपाल मदर डट कम परिवार ।    कार्यक्रमका केही तस्वीरहरु जो समाचार बोलिरहेका छन :

फोटो: नेपाल मदर, नेपाली पोस्ट, इनेपालीज ।  

Special Thanks from Coordinator Prabha !
First and foremost, I would like to begin by thanking Bikrant Shrestha for saving me at the very last minute and setting up the stage by making it just like the streets of Nepal. You have always been there for me, with your honesty and reassurance that things will be okay - thank you. Secondly, I would like to thank my amazing sound technician, Krishna Dahal. We’ve worked together in past years, and you've always remained true to your words. Thank you for understanding me and my vision for events like this, and for helping the sound for the show soar through the theater. I would also like to thank my three incredible hostesses for engaging the audience by not just their beauty, but by their way with words and genuine excitement towards each act. Indu (Trishna Pokharel), we’ve worked together for several years and you have so much potential to do whatever you want to. Please don’t let anyone shake you, and keep moving forward in the right direction - I am so excited for what’s to come for you, as I know you will be successful. Malika Joshi, it was great to get to know you through this event. With a single phone call, you went out of your way to help me host this event, and I am so grateful that we got to become such close friends. I am looking forward to working with you in the future. Bina Ghartimagar, from the little time that I’ve known you, I’ve learned that you are one of the most patient, artistic, and beautiful (both inside and out) people I’ve come to know and I personally feel as though I’ve known you forever. Even during your busiest days, you still made time to help me make dresses for the girls, and for that, I am thankful. I cannot wait to work with you again. I am overwhelmed with all the work these girls put in, and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of girls to work with! To the Centreville light team, thank you for working with me while my kids were performing - you guys were incredible. I also cannot thank the custodians of CVHS enough for being patient and of course for helping clean up the aftermath of the event, we couldn’t do what we do without your help. To all the parents, thank you for trusting me. I had over 100 kids performing, and if it wasn’t for your support and help, this program wouldn’t have run as smoothly as it did. A special thanks goes to Trisha Pokharel, Malika Joshi, Bina Ghartimagar, Bibechana Niraula, SandhyaAdhaikari, Sneha Gyawali, Prakriti Deuja, Leena Shrestha- Menon, Ami Khana, Beena K Regmi, Ratna Adhikari, Puja Adhiari and Sabina Aryal for keeping everyone backstage calm and helping everyone with everything- you were the pillars of my project. Navin KC and Luna Shrestha: thank you for letting your kids perform for us - great choreography as always. You both know how much we appreciate and love the arts, so thank you for your constant support. To his excellency, Past presidents of ANS, respective representatives from various organizations, families who waited till the very end - this is what we need as a community. These kids worked very hard to show their talent and we all thank you for encouraging them and being there for them. I am proud of each and every one of them for coming forward and showing their talent. Each effort counts, further uniting our Nepalese community between both young and old, this is part of our journey. Thank you Aero Nepal/Rakesh and Salon and Day Spa/ Goma Sargroula for the Sponsorship and on-going support. Thank you Royal Nepal Restaurant for the wonderful food - it sold out very quickly! Thank you to following: International Artist Forum USA, ANHS Academy School Manassas VA, KC’ Bollywood Dance Lorton VA, Dance Delight MD, Fusion Band, VA INLS DC Chapter, Nepa Pasa Pucha Americkaya - NPPA Nepal Engineers Society – DC. And lastly, but most certainly not least, I would like to thank Centreville High School for allowing us to use their theater for this event! I am so grateful to have had such a memorable experience and am looking forward to future events.
 Thank you, 

Prabha Bhattarai Deuja

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बेनाममा अरुलाई गाली गलौज गर्दै जथाभाबी कमेन्ट लेख्नेहरु लाई यो साईटमा स्थान छैन तर सभ्य भाषाका रचनात्मक कमेन्ट सुझाब सल्लाह लाई भने हार्दिक स्वागत छ । तल Anonymous मा क्लिक गर्नुश अनी आफ्नो सहि नाम र सहि ईमेल सहित ईंग्लिश वा नेपाली मा कमेन्ट लेखी पठाउनुश, अरु वेबसाईट र यस् मा फरक छ बुझी दिनुहोला धन्यवाद । address for send news/views/Article/comments : Email - info@nepalmother.com - सम्पादक