पारस जस्ता कुपुत्र कुनै बाबु आमाले नजन्माउन । हिमानी जस्ती श्रीमतीका कुलँगार श्रीमान पारस भन्छन "प्रेमिकाले बचाएको, उनी बिना आफू नबाँच्ने"

थाइल्याण्डमा लागू औषध मुद्दा खेपिरहेका पूर्व युवराज पारस शाहले आफ्नी प्रेमिका कन्निका चाइयासार्नप्रति आफूले अनावश्यक शंका गरेको भन्दै सार्वजनिक रुपमा माफी मागेका छन् ।
Paras-shahउनले आफूलाई नेपाल फर्किन नदिन सक्रिय परिवारकै सदस्यहरुले कन्निकासँग झगडा गराएर जेल पठाउन खोजेको दावी गरेका छन् ।  ‘मेरो एकमात्र साक्षी मेरी महिला कन्निका हुन्, उनले साक्षी नबक्ने हो भने म जेल जाने निश्चित थियो’ पारसले आफ्नो फेसबुक वालमा लेखेका छन् ।पारसले परिवारका सदस्यसहित केही मान्छेले आफूलाई नेपाल फर्किन नदिन षड्यन्त्र गरेको आरोप समेत लगाएका छन् ।परिवारकै सदस्य र शाही खानदानको व्यापार सम्हालिरहेका व्यक्तिले आफूलाई नेपाल फर्किनबाट रोक्न प्रेमिका कन्निकासँग दुश्मनी
गराउन चाहेको दावी समेत पारसले गरेका छन् ।  ‘यदि उनले मेरो लागि समस्या सिर्जना गरेकी हुन्थिन् भने उनी आफैं पनि समस्यामा पर्थिन् । उनले त्यस्तो गर्ने सक्दिनन् किनभने उनले मलाई फुकेटदेखि चियाङ माईसम्म कहिल्यै साथ छाडेकी छैनन्’ पारस लेख्छन्-‘ यदि मलाई साँच्चिकै समस्या पार्ने थिइन् त उनले भाग्नुको साटो फुकेटबाट किन मलाई अस्पतालमा लिएर जान्थिन् ?’
उनले आफूलाई हृदयघात भएर मृत्युमा पुगेका बेला प्रेमिकाले बचाएको भन्दै उनी बिना आफू नबाँच्ने बताएका छन् ।
पारस फेसबुकमा लेख्छन्-‘मेले चिकेन पकाउन चाहेपछि सुनिल खड्का उसकी श्रमतीसंग चिकेन किन्न गएको थियो । पछि कन्निकाले फोन गरेपछि ऊ साथीहरु सहित अस्पतालमा आएको हो ।’
पारसले अघिल्लो फेसबुक स्टाटसमा आफ्नी प्रेमिकाको नियतमा गलत शंका गरेर ठूलो भूल गरेको बताएका छन् । ‘मैले कहिल्यै आफ्नो हृदयलाई सुन्नै सकिन, उनी मेरो हृदयमा थिइन्, मैले मान्छेहरुलाई विश्वास गरेँ । जो मलाई नेपाल नफर्कियोस् भन्ने चाहन्छन् ।’
एक साताको निकै कठिन सोचाइपछि आफू प्रेमिका कन्निकाबाट आफूमाथि धोखा नभएको र नहुने निष्कर्षमा पुगेको पारसले उल्लेख गरेका छन् । ‘उनका कृयाकलाप आफैं बोल्छन् ठूलो स्वरमा, उनले केही बोल्ने पर्दैन’-पारसले भनेका छन् ।
आफूले अघिल्लो पोष्ट निकै तनाव र दबावमा लेखेको भन्दै पारसले दुई सातसम्म एक्लै बस्दा दिमागमा धेरै कुरा खेलेको बताएका छन् । उनले अघिल्लो साता आफूलाई प्रेमिकाले नै फसाएको आशंकासहितको स्टाटस लेखेका थिए ।
पारसले आफूलाई फसाउन कुनै शक्तिशाली र साधन स्रोत भएको व्यक्तिले प्रहरी परिचालन गरेको आशंका गरेका छन् ।
तर, ती दुवै चीज कन्निकासँग नभएको र उनीसँग आफ्नो जीवन सहज रुपमा अघि बढेको पारसले लेखेका छन् । ‘म विनम्रतापूर्वक माफी माग्न चाहान्छु मेरो गल्तिप्रति । उनी एकमात्र यस्तो व्यक्ति हुन् जसले हामी सँगै हुनुको वास्तविकता थाहा पाउछिन्’ पारसले लेखेका छन् ।
पारसले आफूमाथि किन यस्तो आइपर्‍यो र प्रेमिकासँग किन फाटो पार्न खोजियो भन्ने बारे पनि सोचिरहेको बताएका छन् ।
पूर्व युवराज पारसले नोभेम्बर ११ आफ्नो लागि निकै अर्थपूर्ण रहने गरेको पनि खुलाएका छन् । ‘त्यहि दिन मेरी छोरी पूणिर्का जन्मिएकी हुन्, त्यहि दिन चितवन काण्ड -रुवेल चौधरीमाथि पेस्तोल ताकेको प्रकरण) र त्यहि दिन म र मेरी प्रमिका ज्यान जोगाउन भाग्नुपरेको थियो’ उनले भनेका छन् ।
उनले यो सबै प्रकरणमा परिवारका सदस्यको हात हुन सक्ने दाबी गरेका छन् । ‘मेरो परिवारका सदस्य ती मान्छे जसले पाउनु धेरै छ तर, गुमाउने कमी छ तिनीहरुलाई म फर्किनँ भने राम्रो हुन्छ’ उनले पहिलो संकेत गरेका छन् ।
दोस्रो संकेत उनले सम्भवतः ज्वाइ राजवहादुर सिंहतिर इंगित गरेका छन् । पारस पेसबुकमा लेख्छन्-त्यो व्यक्ति जसले यसअघि नै हाम्रो सबै पारिवारिक व्यापार हात पारेको छ, यदि म फर्केँ भन ऊ वा उनी त्यसमा हुने छैनन् ।’ - news source : onlinekhabar
Tonight just after 23:23 on 11/11/14hours I've just started writing.
.. The same ppl that don't want me in Nepal r the same ppl doing this to me .I'm sorry that I was wrong about my women and led you, my people to believe that it was my women who was creating problems for me.. It was a honest mistake and I apologies from the bottom of my heart to all my sisters and brothers and to my women who has been with me since September 2011..through rough and tuff times and never left my sight..
... If she was the one creating problems for me then she would also be creating problems for herself ... It can't be her because she has never left my sight since Phuket till Chiang Mai ... After Phuket on the 11/12/12 we were together had had to run for our lives together .... If she really wanted to creat problems for me then why would she take me to hospital when she could have run.. (I never said till now that it was my women Kannika Chaiyasarn that took me to hospital the night I died and only because of her I'm among all of you today ) .Sunil Kadhaka had gone to buy chicken with his wife cause I said I wanted to cook chicken as far as i can remember... . He came to the hospital with other Nepalese after Kannika called them.. The fact she didn't run speaks volume and why in my heart I always knew It can't be her.... I made a mistake with her cause I didn't listen to my heart and believed people ... One week of thinking very very hard has bought me to this conclusion ... It was never her ... This one act of kannika is the reason my heart cannot accept that it was her .... My heart won't accept.... Her actions speaks louder then any words.... She didn't run ... When she could have easily done so when there was no one in the house..if she was really the one why do it in her bday and her place and her cousin common people its to easy ... I has to be some one very powerful and has the resources to mobilize the police.. She cannot be the one she does not have both... When I wrought my last post it was under a lot of stress and pursuer and I was alone for two weeks and different thought all over my mind.. I sincerely oppolise for my mistake that could have cost lives... She is the only one that really knows what both of us have been through .. The people that a creating problems want me to think that it's her ... Because they want me in prison with no witness , the only witness is her and her out of three way would mean I would never get back to you and Nepal ..
There are a few possibilities that I think could be behind all this.. I'm not saying anything at the moment----
..... The date 11/12is significant because that is the day my daughter Purnika was born and 11/12 the Chitwan kanda happened .. And 11/12/12 my women and i had to run for our lives on the same day .. Put 2 and 2 together and you will come up with the answer possibility no. 1
.. Could be family members or member that has more to gain and less to loose if I don't return .. The same person that already has all the family business and if I return he/she is nowhere in sight... Possibility no. 2
.. It's all about fresh water .. 80% mountains in Nepal hence 80% of fresh water with Nepal... Just by utilizing water resources an average Nepalese GDP WILL GO UP TO $ 800 p/a .. From what it is now.. Tell ppl.. Ok ..Nepalese need to know possibility no. 3
Anyways tomorrow is my court date.. 12/11/14.. Cause Friday I missed my date was to busy thinking try to add up the facts..
Respect to all elders and love to all younger
JACK 11:11

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