NASeA ANMA 7th Joint Convention opening ceremoney, Atlanta GA, Sept 4, 2011

"Poetry Competition INLS- NASeA/ANMA Convention 2011"

Video By usnepalonline

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 "Poetry Competition INLS- NASeA/ANMA Convention 2011" 

नासा (NASeA) को अध्यक्षमा डा. सन्जिब सापकोटा निर्बाचित

nasea_anma एट्लान्टा, जर्जिया- अमेरिकाको दक्षिण-पुर्बी क्षेत्रिय र मध्य-पश्चिमी दुई नेपाली संस्थाहरु Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) र Association of Nepalese in Midwest America (ANMA) को संयुक्त सम्मेलन सेप्टेम्बर २-५ तारिख बीच जर्जिया राज्यको एट्लान्टा शहरमा सम्पन्न भएको छ।
The newly elected executive members of Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) in Atlanta, GA on September 4, 2011. Photos: eEyeCam.com
यसै बिच्, नासा (NASeA) को आगामी सन् २०११-१२ कोलागि नयाँ कार्य समिती निर्वाचन सम्पन्न भएको छ। उक्त निर्वाचनबाट अध्यक्षमा डा. सन्जिब सापकोटा निर्बाचित हुनुभएको छ भने अन्य निर्बाचित पदाधिकारीहरुमा कार्यकारी उपाध्यक्ष राम एस डङ्गोल, उपाध्यक्ष धन तिमील्सिना, महासचिब सगुन श्रेष्ठ, संयुक्त सचिब बिमलकुमार नेपाल र कोशाध्यक्ष गोबिन्द श्रेष्ठ हुनुहुन्छ।

The NASeA’s President-elect Dr. Sanjeeb Sapkota receiving certificate of election from the Chief Election Commissioner Dr. Prahlad Pant.
त्यसैगरी, कार्यकारी सदस्यहरुमा जनक बराल, डा. रामचन्द्र बराल, हरी भण्डारी, मोहन बि. बिष्ट, माधव ढकाल, डा. लीलाबहादुर कार्की, कुमार केसी, नारायण खड्का, चुडामणी खनाल, प्रिती खत्री, माधव मैनाली, डा. तिलक श्रेष्ठ, र दीपेन्द्र बिक्रम थापा निर्बाचित हुनुभएको छ।

The Outgoing President of NASeA Raja Ghale.
उक्त संयुक्त सम्मेलनको उद्घाटन सेप्टेम्बर ४ तारिख अमेरिकाकालागि नेपाली राजदूत डा. शंकरप्रशाद शर्माले द्वीप प्रज्वलन गरी गर्नु भएको थियो।
उद्घाटन समारोहलाई प्रमुख अतिथी महामहिम डा. शर्मा, संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघकालागि नेपाली स्थाई प्रतिनिधी एबं महामहिम राजदूत ज्ञानचन्द्र आचार्य, NASeA प्रेसिडेन्ट राजा घले, ANMA प्रेसिडेन्ट संयोजक राजेन्द्र खटिवडा, नेता तथा साहित्यकार राजेस्वर देबकोटा, Empower Dalit Women of Nepal (EDWON) कि संस्थापक बिष्णुमाया परियार, अमेरिकि काँग्रेस सदनका उम्मेद्वार दर्शन रौनियार, एमालेका पोलिटब्युरो सदस्य तथा पूर्व साँसद काशिनाथ अधिकारी, एटलान्टा बैदिक समाज प्रेसिडेन्ट पंडित धिरेन शर्मा, डा. प्रह्लाद पन्त, ओर्गनाइजेसन अफ भुटानिज कम्युनिटी इन अमेरिका (OBCA) अध्यक्ष डिजे खालिङ, APAC प्रेसिडेन्ट लाम निगोलगायत आयोजक र अतिथीहरुले सम्बोधन गर्नु भएको थियो।
हेर्नुहोस् युएस नेपाल अनलाइनले उक्त फोरमबारे तयार पारेको बिशेष भिडियो रिपोर्ट:

उद्घाटन सत्रमा Leadersपुरस्कार न्यू योर्कका १०० औं पटक रक्तदानदाता समाजसेवी अर्जुनप्रशाद मैनाली र जर्जियाकि महिला नेत्री श्रीजना के. शर्मालाई प्रदान गरियो।

Honorees of the Leaders of the Year 2011: Arjunprasad Mainali (New York) and Srijana K. Sharma (Atlanta).
सम्मेलनको दोश्रो दिन (सेप्टेम्बर ३ तारिख) लोकगायक प्रेमराजा महत, सुमन बुढा मगर, पपगायक राजु लामा, सिता गुरुङ, पबिता बाग्चन्द परियारलगायतका कलाकारहरुले दर्शकहरुलाई भरपुर मनोरन्जन दिलाउन सफल हुनुभयो भने तेश्रो दिन (सेप्टेम्बर ४ तारिख) बेलुकी स्थानीय नेपाली कलाकारहरुद्वारा बिबिध नेपाली साँस्कृतिक साँझ प्रस्तुत कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गरियो।

Pop singer Raju Lama.

Versatile singer Suman Budha Magar.

Folk singer Premraja Mahat and Sita Gurung receiving award from ambassador Gyanchandra Acharya.
बिभिन्न महत्वपूर्ण साइड इभेन्ट/फोरमहरुको मन्चन
सम्मेलनको दोश्रो र तेश्रो दिन बिभिन्न महत्वपूर्ण साइड इभेन्ट / फोरमहरुको आयोजना गरियो।
दोश्रो दिन (सेप्टेम्बर ३ तारिख)

महिला फोरम NRN Women Moving Forward: Achievements & Challenges को सफल मन्चन भयो। दलित तथा महिला आन्दोलनकि नेत्री बिष्णुमाया परियारद्वारा सहजकर्ताको भूमिका निभ्याइएको उक्त फोरमका प्यानेलिस्टहरुमा राजदूत द्वय डा. शंकरप्रशाद शर्मा तथा ज्ञानचन्द्र आचार्य, ग्लोबल वुमन नेटओर्क (NWGN) कि प्रेसिडेन्ट बिष्णुकुमारी थापा, फ्लोरिडा नेपालीज एसोसियसनकि अध्यक्ष डा. अर्चना कट्टेल र एन्माकि कार्यकारी सदस्य सरला पाण्डे हुनु हुन्थ्यो।

Women Forum: NRN Women Moving Forward: Achievements & Challenges.
हेर्नुहोस् युएस नेपाल अनलाइनले उक्त फोरमबारे तयार पारेको बिशेष भिडियो रिपोर्ट:

Women leaders: Bihnu Maya Pariyar, Bishnu Kumari Thapa, D. Archana Kattel & Sarala Pandey.
अतिथी बक्ताहरुमा नासा प्रेसिडेन्ट राजा घले, एनआरएन अमेरिका प्रेसिडेन्ट सुमन तिम्सिना, नेपाल आदिबासी जनजाति महासंघ अमेरिका (फिप्ना) अध्यक्ष शिवकुमार राई र ANMA प्रेसिडेन्ट संयोजक राजेन्द्र खटिवडा,ले सम्बोधन गर्नुभएको थियो।
Opportunities & Barriers to Development in Nepal फोरमको सहजकर्ता एन्माका निबर्तमान अध्यक्ष मुकेश सिंहले गर्नु भएको थियो भने प्यानेलिस्टहरुमा राजेश्वर देबकोटा, डा. अम्बिका अधिकारी, सुमन तिम्सिना र काशिनाथ  अधिकारी हुनुहुन्थ्यो।

Literary festival and poetry competition.
उता सोही दिन नेपाली साहित्य महोत्सब तथा कविता प्रतियोगिताको आयोजना अन्तरराश्ट्रिय नेपाली साहित्य समाजद्वारा सम्पन्न गरियो। उक्त अबसरमा समाजले साहित्यकार राजेस्वर देबकोटालाई बिशेष कदर प्रदान गर्‍यो।
तेश्रो दिन (सेप्टेम्बर ४ तारिख)
उकत दिन एनआरएन अमेरिका र फिप्नाको छुट्टाछुट्टै फोरमहरु सम्पन्न भयो।

FIPNA’s Indigenous Forum.

NRN USA meeting at the convention.
हेर्नुहोस् युएस नेपाल अनलाइनले उक्त फोरमबारे तयार पारेको बिशेष भिडियो रिपोर्ट:
Video being uploaded.

त्यसैगरी डा. तारा निरौलाद्वारा सहजकर्ता गरिएको फोरम “Himalayas, Tourism, and Environment: A balancing act and prospects for econmic development of Nepal” मा राजदूत द्वय डा. शंकरप्रशाद शर्मा तथा ज्ञानचन्द्र आचार्यले प्यानेलिस्टकोरुपमा सम्बोधन गर्नुभएको थियो।
सोही दिन महाबिर पुन मगरको नेपाल वायर्लेस प्रोजेक्ट र  Earthquake Preparedness and Disater Relief सम्बन्धी फोरमहरु पनि सम्पन्न गरियो।
सन् १९८२ मा स्थापना भएको एन्मा (ANMA) र सन् १९९१ मा स्थापना भएको नासा (NASeA) को संयुक्त सम्मेलनमा झन्डै ५ सय अमेरिकि नेपालीहरु र क्यानाडा, नेपाललगायत अन्य मुलुकका पाहुनाहरुको जमघट रहेको थियो।

Next year’s 8th  joint convention will be in Indianapolis.
NASeA & ANMA को आगामी संयुक्त सम्मेलन इन्डियानापोलिसमा गर्ने निर्णय भएको छ।
नासा (NASeA) अमेरिकामा एनआरएन अमेरिका (NRN USA) र ‘एएनए’ पछि तेश्रो ठुलो र प्रभाबशाली नेपाली संस्था मानिन्छ। ‘नासा’ मा अलाबामा, नर्थ र साउथ क्यारोलिना, जर्जिया, मिसिसिपी, अर्कान्सास, फ्लोरिडा, मिचिगन, केन्टुकी र टेन्नेसी राज्यका नेपालीहरु आबद्ध छन्।
Courtesy: usnepalonline.com

 Press Release

The Joint convention of the Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) and the Association of Nepalese in Midwest America (ANMA) hosted by the Nepalese Association of Georgia (NAG), Atlanta, GA, September 2-5, 2011 Concluded in Atlanta, USA.
The convention was a 4 days gala event with huge participations from all over the USA. Over Seven hundred Nepalese, Americans of Nepali origin and friends of Nepal from 36 states gathered in the City of Atlanta during the Labor Day Weekend (September 2-5, 2011) for the 7th joint convention of the NASeA and the ANMA. In the convention people discussed topics and issues that concern Nepalese in Nepal and in the United States; met friends, enjoyed cultural show, sports, and musical concert. Legendary Dodohori Singer, Prem Raja Mahat, popular singers Raju Lama and Pabita Pariyar, and folk singers Sita Gurung and Suman Budhamagar mesmerized the participants with their magical performances. The children in colorful ethnic dresses performed folk dances including classical Ganesha dance. The cultural program included many modern, folk and classical dances catered to the cultural tastes of all. We are honored to have participants coming from the far and near corners of the United States including the West coast, Arizona, Chicago, Florida and Mississippi.
"The convention was a package where there was something for every age group and every interests” said the Convention Chairperson, Sanjeeb Sapkota. "In the package", Sapkota continued, "there was children program, youth session, women's forum, forum for indigenous people, Dharma session, sports and physical fitness session, literature and poetry session Yoga and meditation class, as well as opportunities to reunite with friends and make new ones.” He said, "Most of the sessions held in the convention were dedicated to Nepal such as 'Giving back to the motherland', 'Barriers to the Development of Nepal', ‘Empowering indigenous people’, ‘Dharma – Way of meditation’ etc. Other sessions were dedicated to the Nepalese in the Diaspora. It was really the true 'Celebration of Nepal in the United States', which is the theme of the convention.”
“The convention connected many people spread out in the United States", said Raja Ghale, who just concluded his tenure as President of the NASeA. Mr. Glale continued, "It is a rare occasion that both Nepalese ambassadors, to the United States and to the United Nations, attended the convention and participated in different sessions. I am really proud to have the opportunity of working with a team of excellent people to organize such a great convention during my tenure. It proves that we Nepalese can get organized, unite and put together a great convention catering to our interests.”
"Food was great and the cultural program was excellent as compared to all the conventions I have attended. So far this is the best and the most successful convention", said Rajendra Khatiwada, President of the ANMA.
Pranaya Lama, President of the host organization NAG, said, “We are really proud to be the host organization for the convention and to mobilize volunteers to support the convention.”
One of the participants was heard saying that she had attended many conventions in the past, but this convention was the best by all standards: the management, quality of sessions, food, enriching cultural program.
Another participant said that he expects four items to be good to make the convention a success: food, cultural program, sports and sessions. He was happy to find them exceeding his expectations, and that he would give A+ to all of them.
Angira Kharel, Chairperson of the sports committee, announced the ‘Himalayan Soccer Club, Atlanta’ as the winner of the soccer tournament and the ‘Team NCNC’ as the winner of the volleyball event. The winner of Golf was Mr. Narayan Gurung. Badminton and Table tennis had champions Guru Chhetri and Amrit Kayasta respectively.
Sanjeeb Sapkota appropriately summed up, "The convention would not have been possible without the rigorous work of numerous committees and subcommittees. The key to the success goes to the months of planning, team work; a collective desire to do something different and to have an ever lasting memory of the 'celebration of Nepal in the United States.”
His Excellencies Ambassador to the United States Dr. Shankar Prasad Sharma and Ambassador to the United Nations Gyan Chandra Acharya took active parts in many sessions and listened closely the progress and issues facing Nepalese community in the US.
This convention played a very important role in bringing people of Nepali origin and friends of Nepal under one platform to discuss contemporary topics and to promote Nepali culture. We are happy to note that the participants found the sessions relevant and enthusiastically participated.
His Excellency, Dr. Shankar P. Sharma inaugurated the program. Raja Ghale and Pranay Lama signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the ‘Nepalese Cultural Center.’ During the session of International Nepali Language Society (INLS) Raja Ghale, Gyanendra Gadal, President of INLS, and Rajendra Khatiwada signed MOU for continued INLS program .
Organizers also presented Nepali cultural programs for two evenings. High participations in the culture program by young adults born and brought up in USA was a true testament of American Nepalese putting efforts in preserving their language and culture.
The NASeA also announced the newly elected executive body under the leadership of Mr. Sanjeeb Sapkota. Next convention in 2012 is scheduled to be held during the Labor-day weekend in the great city of Indianapolis.
Thank you very much,
Raja Ghale, Outgoing President, NASeA - www.naseaonline.org
Rajendra Khatiwada , President, ANMA - www.anmausa.org
Pranaya Lama, President, NAG - www.nepalgeorgia.com
Sanjeeb Sapkota, Convention Chair and President Elect - www.jointconvention.org

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बेनाममा अरुलाई गाली गलौज गर्दै जथाभाबी कमेन्ट लेख्नेहरु लाई यो साईटमा स्थान छैन तर सभ्य भाषाका रचनात्मक कमेन्ट सुझाब सल्लाह लाई भने हार्दिक स्वागत छ । तल Anonymous मा क्लिक गर्नुश अनी आफ्नो सहि नाम र सहि ईमेल सहित ईंग्लिश वा नेपाली मा कमेन्ट लेखी पठाउनुश, अरु वेबसाईट र यस् मा फरक छ बुझी दिनुहोला धन्यवाद । address for send news/views/Article/comments : Email - info@nepalmother.com - सम्पादक