अमेरिकामा दुर्घटनामा परी निधन भएका सुभाश दर्नालको श्रध्दान्जली यसरी सम्पन्न भयो डिसीमा !

गत १५ तारिख अमेरिकाको डिसी डुलस एयरपोर्टमा दुर्घटनामा परि दु:खद निधन भएका नेपालको दलित आन्दोलन का अगुवा युबा सुभाश दर्नाललाई डिसी बासी नेपाली ले फल्स्चर्चमा श्रध्दान्जली दिए । दर्नालकी श्रीमती सरिता सहित उपस्थित नेपालीले श्रध्दान्जली चढाएको उक्त कार्यक्रम नासो ले आयोजना गरेको थियो । राजदुत डा. शंकर शर्मा, अबैतनिक बाणिज्यदुत एबम लोक गायक प्रेमराजा महत, नासो अध्यक्ष्य धरम विश्वकर्मा  , महासचिब दीपक जँग विश्वकर्मा  , अन्तराष्ट्रिय कलाकार मंचका अध्यक्ष्य एबम लोक गायक राम प्रसाद खनाल, अन्तराष्ट्रिय नेपाली साहित्य समाज डिसी का अध्यक्ष्य प्रकाश नेपाल, ANWA अध्यक्ष्य बिष्णु थापा, बिभिन्न संस्था हरुका

तर्फबाट रणेन्द्र बारायली, कृष्ण शोँब, कमला सुनार, दीपक परियार्, बिष्णु माया परियार्, श्रीमती सरिता दर्नाल आदिले स्वर्गिय दर्नाल प्रती श्रध्दान्जली ब्यक्त गर्दै वहाँका बारेमा शोक मन्तब्य राख्नुभएको थियो । स्वर्गिय दर्नाल को परिवार लाई सतगतका लागि नेपाल लगिने भएको छ तर अझै केही दिन लाग्ने छ सबै प्रोसेस पुरा गर्दा।

In Loving Memory of 
Late Mr. Subash Darnal

To Donate: click below http://www.sebsonline.org/misc/donate.aspx
and select Subash Darnal Memorial Fund

What happened?
On August 15, 2011 at around at 7:30 AM, an accident occurred in the vicinity of Dulles International Airport of Washington, DC (Virginia), where a Supper Shuttle Van travelling away from the airport, struck the construction (Jersey) wall that killed Mr. Suvash Darnal.

Who was Mr. Darnal?
A charismatic citizen of Nepal, Suvash Darnal, born in 1980 in Palpa, Nepal. Most recently he was the President of Samata Foundation, a founder of Jagaran Media Center (JMC – the producer of Dalan tele-serial) and past President of COCAP (Collective Campaign for Peace). He was a well-known human rights activist who advocated for equality and social justice in both domestic and international arenas. He is being remembered as a fighter for the causes of  disadvantaged and marginalized community. In addition, he envisioned to open a university in Kathmandu within a year that would help educating people from underprivileged community. Mr. Darnal was decorated with national and international awards including the one in Washington DC last year.

What is this Fund Raiser for?
Mr. Darnal left behind his wife Sarita Pariyar and a two year old daughter Samana. Funds will be collected by NASO (Nepali American Society for Oppressed Community) a not-for-profit organization (with technical help from SEBS-North America). Funds collected in full will be given to wife Sarita Pariyar by NASO.

For Further information please contact:

Dharam Bishwokarma, NASO President 443-390-5677
Deepak Jung Bishwokarma, NASO General Secretary 703-537-9571

अन्तराष्ट्रिय कलाकार मन्च परिवार एबम नेपाल मदर डट कम परिवार स्वर्गिय सुभाश दर्नाल प्रती हार्दिक श्रध्दान्जली र शोक सन्तप्त परिवार जनमा हार्दिक समबेदना ब्यक्त गर्दै यस दु:खद घडीमा परिवार जन लाई आफु सक्दो सहयोग गरिदिन सम्पूर्ण नेपाली दाजुभाइ दिदिबहिनीमा हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछ ।   


  1. Many of us were very curious to see the Suvash Darnal's death pics actually how he is. This site has, indeed, done a very incredible job posting the condolence and his last tribute at DC by Nepali people.

    Sarita's two pics with his husband did really broke my heart and couldn't control me myself.

    I extend my heartfelt condolence to his departed soul and pray with god to give almighty to Ms. Sarita to overcome this situation.

    Krishna Gahatraj
    Kathmandu, Nepal

  2. I am very sorry to hear Mr.suvash Darnal death.Actually he was the gift for the dalit community.I thought that he will be the biggest leader of dalit movement in nepal. Unfurtinately,we were lost him for that i extend my heartfelt condolence to him departed soul and special thanks for www.nepalmother.com team for provided us to see that oppertinuty when we are outside that place .
    i am very greatful to the Mrs.sarita's confidance.Most of the people couldn't that activity. so, she is also great and we need to support her.

    Mr.shankar B.k.
    Palpa, Nepal
    Current Butwal


बेनाममा अरुलाई गाली गलौज गर्दै जथाभाबी कमेन्ट लेख्नेहरु लाई यो साईटमा स्थान छैन तर सभ्य भाषाका रचनात्मक कमेन्ट सुझाब सल्लाह लाई भने हार्दिक स्वागत छ । तल Anonymous मा क्लिक गर्नुश अनी आफ्नो सहि नाम र सहि ईमेल सहित ईंग्लिश वा नेपाली मा कमेन्ट लेखी पठाउनुश, अरु वेबसाईट र यस् मा फरक छ बुझी दिनुहोला धन्यवाद । address for send news/views/Article/comments : Email - info@nepalmother.com - सम्पादक