डिसी सम्मेलन सँयोजक हेमन्त श्रेष्ठ यसो भन्नुहुन्छ !
ए एन ए को एकता सम्मेलन हेर्न चाहने, सबै नेपालीहरु मिलेको, एक भएको सन्देश डिसीमा हेर्न लालायित हामी र हामी जस्ता कुनै गुटबन्दीमा सामेल नभएका नेपालीहरुका लागि अत्यन्त दु:खद खबर प्राप्त भएको छ । अझै पनि २४ घण्टा बाँकी छ ए एन ए बिबाद मिलाउन सकिन्छ र यसमा कृयासिल हुन
सबै सम्बद्ध पक्ष लागुन, यो नियम कानुन भएको देश हो, नेपालको पाराले यहाँ चल्दैन र यो लडाईं नरोकिए ए एन ए का थुप्रै मान्छेहरु लाई अदालती कार्वाही गरिएको समाचार छाप्नुपर्ने दिन आउने छ, हामी चाहन्छौँ त्यस्तो समाचार हामीले छाप्नु नपरोस, त्यो दिन देख्नु नपरोस, तर दुबै पक्षका कृयाकलापले त्यो सँकेत देखाउदैछ ।
सबै सम्बद्ध पक्ष लागुन, यो नियम कानुन भएको देश हो, नेपालको पाराले यहाँ चल्दैन र यो लडाईं नरोकिए ए एन ए का थुप्रै मान्छेहरु लाई अदालती कार्वाही गरिएको समाचार छाप्नुपर्ने दिन आउने छ, हामी चाहन्छौँ त्यस्तो समाचार हामीले छाप्नु नपरोस, त्यो दिन देख्नु नपरोस, तर दुबै पक्षका कृयाकलापले त्यो सँकेत देखाउदैछ ।
"छेवाङ शेर्पा लामा नामका एक नेपाली ब्यक्ती जसले अध्यक्ष्य सिमोन ढुंगानालाई गलत प्रयोग गर्दै पुरै ए एन ए को बिधान बिपरित चल्न र एक पछी अर्को गल्ती गर्दै संस्था भित्र अराजकता फैलाउन खोजेकाले, बारम्बार अनुरोध गर्दा पनि टेरपुच्छर नलगाएकोले, ए एन ए सम्मेलनका नाममा बिधान बिपरित र अबैधानिक कार्य भएकोले हामी अदालत जान वाध्य भयौँ " भन्दै ए एन ए का एक जना भन्दा बाहेकका सम्पूर्ण पूर्व अध्यक्ष्यहरु, बिधान अनुसार छानिएका भनिएका नब निर्बाचित पदाधिकारीहरु, बहुमत आजिबन सदस्य हरु, ए एन ए का संस्थापकरुले अदालत को ढोका घच्घच्याएका छौं" भन्दै नेपाल मदर डट कम लाई पठाएको म्यासेज हामी जस्ताको तस्तै यहाँ राख्दै छौं । हामीले पुर्बाग्रह नराखी दुबै पक्षका भनाइ शुरुदेखी राख्दै आएका छौं र राख्ने छौं तर बिधान, नियम कानुन अनुसार काम कारबाही हुनु सबैका लागि राम्रो हो, अझै पनि २४ घण्टा बाँकी छ ए एन ए बिबाद मिलाउन सकिन्छ र यसमा कृयासिल हुन सबै सम्बद्ध पक्ष लागुन, यो नियम कानुन भएको देश हो, नेपालको पाराले यहाँ चल्दैन र यो लडाईं नरोकिए ए एन ए का थुप्रै मान्छे हरुलाई अदालती कार्वाही गरिएको समाचार छाप्नुपर्ने दिन आउने छ, हामी चाहन्छौँ त्यस्तो समाचार हामीले छाप्नुनपरोस, त्यो दिन देख्नु नपरोस, तर दुबै पक्षका कृयाकलापले त्यो सँकेत देखाउदैछ ।
यो सम्मेलन "नेपाली सम्मेलन" भनिए हुन्छ तर ए एन ए सम्मेलन भन्न पाइदैन, बिधान बिपरित का कार्य हुने सम्मेलन लाई ए एन ए सम्मेलन को रुपमा मान्यता दिन सकिदैन भन्दै सम्मेलन बहिस्कार को घोषणा गरेका पूर्व अध्यक्ष्यहरु, बहुमत आजिबन सदस्य हरु, ए एन ए का संस्थापकरुले "यो भिड लाई साथ दिने हरुले पनि सोचुन, नेपाली राजदुत डा शंकर शर्मा पनि त्यहा समाबेश भएर गैर कानुनी भिडलाई साथ दिएर बिबाद मा नपरुन" भन्दै सम्मेलनमा आउने अमेरिकि कङ्रेस म्यान र भि आइ पि हरु सबैले कार्यक्रम क्यान्सिल गरेको समेत दाबी गरिएको छ । यस सम्बन्धमा संपर्क गर्दा अमेरिकाका लागि नेपाली राजदुत डा शंकर शर्माले "आफुलाइ पनि अप्ठ्यारो परेको र आफुले अवस्थालाई नजिकबाट नियालिरहेको, बिबाद हुनु, नेपाली बिच फुट हुनु दु:खको कुरा भएको, मिल्न, एक हुन" आग्रह गर्नुभयो। बर्तमान अध्यक्ष्य सिमोन ढुंगाना ले दुई दिन सम्म संपर्क गर्दा फोन उठाउनुभएन । सम्मेलन संयोजक हेमन्त श्रेष्ठ आफु अझै पनि ए एन ए को बिबाद सुल्झेको हेर्न चाहेको पक्षमा रहेको र यसमा सबैको साथ हुने बताउँदै आउनुभएको छ । यो समाचार प्रकासित भैसकेपछि हामीलाई फोन गरी सम्मेलन सँयोजक श्रेष्ठले भन्नुभयो "लिगल प्रोसेस चल्दै गर्छ, अदालती कुराको हामीले सम्मान गर्नै पर्छ तर मत मतान्तरलाई एकैछिन थाँती राखेर डिसी सम्मेलन सफल पारौँ, मैले सबै पक्ष सँग यो सम्मेलन सफल पार्न हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछु " "हामीलाई फुटेको होइन जुटेको ए एन ए देउ" नेपाल मदर डट कम यही आग्रह गर्दछ फेरी पनि। हेर्नुस् एटोर्नीले सिमोन ढुंगानालाई काटेको पुर्जी ।
Press Release
I am extremely delighted to read a letter from an attorney office representing few individuals that strongly asserts the election 2011 of ANA officers for 2011-2013 has not been completed. Indeed, the election committee has just released the name of nominated candidates for ANA election. In this light, as presidential candidate, I thank the attorney for listening ANA members' legal voice. The unity and integrity among all of us should be our most elementary and fundamental purpose that can be achieved through a fair and democratic election to be held soon. See you all at the DC convention!
HB Bhandari
ANA Presidential Candidate (2011-1013)
Dear Nurses,Nepalese nursing professionals are growing day by day in the USA and for this reason, it is important for us to be connected. We would like to invite all nurses for a meeting to share our experiences, brainstorm new ideas and have fun on July 2, 2011 at the venue of ANA convention in Washington, D.C. Let us meet, greet and introduce ourselves to each other. The exact time, room number and other details will be posted soon. Thank you and see you there!
Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles
Chantilly, Virginia
Date: July 2, 2011
Time: 1:00 to 3:00PM
Room: Madison
Please contact for more information:Manju Sangraula 703-356-3874
Ranjana Tiwari 703-606-8990
Laxmi Regmi 703-459-7815
Indira Shrestha 703-585-5825
Shudha Bhandari 703-528-3963
Sunita Kayastha 240-350-7414
Bandana Luitel 202-436-0012
Diwa Khadka 703-956-0139
Ranjana Tiwari 703-606-8990
Laxmi Regmi 703-459-7815
Indira Shrestha 703-585-5825
Shudha Bhandari 703-528-3963
Sunita Kayastha 240-350-7414
Bandana Luitel 202-436-0012
Diwa Khadka 703-956-0139
एएनएको झांकी र कला संस्कृति सम्बन्धी विशेष
कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुन रजिस्ष्ट्रेसन गर्नु नपर्ने ।
आदरणीय नेपाली दाजुभाइ तथा दिदीबहिनीहरु,
तपाईहरुले लामो समयदेखि प्रतीक्षा गर्दै आउनु भएको २९ औं एएनए सम्मेलन संघारमा आइपुगेको छ । यस अबसरमा हुने विभिन्न मनोरञ्जनात्मक तथा उद्देश्यमूलक कार्यक्रमहरुमा सहहभागी हुने तपाईहरुको प्रतीक्षाको घडी समाप्त भएको छ । २९ औं एएनए सम्मेलन यही शुक्रबार विहान ८ बजेदेखि शुरु हुने कुरा तपाइहरुलाई जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छौं ।
विशेषतः हाम्रो नेपाली कला, संस्कृति तथा परम्परा झल्काउने विशेष कार्यक्रम शनिबार जुलाई २ तारिक विहान ९ बजे हुन लागेको यहांहरुमा विदितै हुनु पर्छ । यस कार्यक्रममा हाम्रा सवै नेपाली जात जातिका विशेष पहिचान देखाउने किसिमका पहिरन, नेपाली राष्ट्रिय झण्डा, बाजागाजा, राष्ट्रिय पोशाक दौरा सुरुवाल, टोपीका साथै साढी चोलो लगाएर उपस्थित भइदिनु हुन पुनः अनुरोध गर्दछौं । यस विशेष कार्यक्रममा बृद्धदेखि बच्चासम्मको ठूलो उपस्थिति रहने हुंदा यस कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित हुन कुनै रजिस्ट्रेसन गरिरहनु नपर्ने कुरा सहर्ष जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छौं ।
पुनः शनिबार विहानको विशेष प्रदर्शन सभामा सहभागी भइ नेपाली कला, संस्कृति तथा भेषभुषाको प्रचार प्रसार गरिदिनु हुन अनुरोध गर्दछौं ।
गुणराज लुइटेल
संचार संयोजक
२९ औं एएनए सम्मेलन, डि.सी.
TEL: 703-720-0360
कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुन रजिस्ष्ट्रेसन गर्नु नपर्ने ।
आदरणीय नेपाली दाजुभाइ तथा दिदीबहिनीहरु,
तपाईहरुले लामो समयदेखि प्रतीक्षा गर्दै आउनु भएको २९ औं एएनए सम्मेलन संघारमा आइपुगेको छ । यस अबसरमा हुने विभिन्न मनोरञ्जनात्मक तथा उद्देश्यमूलक कार्यक्रमहरुमा सहहभागी हुने तपाईहरुको प्रतीक्षाको घडी समाप्त भएको छ । २९ औं एएनए सम्मेलन यही शुक्रबार विहान ८ बजेदेखि शुरु हुने कुरा तपाइहरुलाई जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छौं ।
विशेषतः हाम्रो नेपाली कला, संस्कृति तथा परम्परा झल्काउने विशेष कार्यक्रम शनिबार जुलाई २ तारिक विहान ९ बजे हुन लागेको यहांहरुमा विदितै हुनु पर्छ । यस कार्यक्रममा हाम्रा सवै नेपाली जात जातिका विशेष पहिचान देखाउने किसिमका पहिरन, नेपाली राष्ट्रिय झण्डा, बाजागाजा, राष्ट्रिय पोशाक दौरा सुरुवाल, टोपीका साथै साढी चोलो लगाएर उपस्थित भइदिनु हुन पुनः अनुरोध गर्दछौं । यस विशेष कार्यक्रममा बृद्धदेखि बच्चासम्मको ठूलो उपस्थिति रहने हुंदा यस कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित हुन कुनै रजिस्ट्रेसन गरिरहनु नपर्ने कुरा सहर्ष जानकारी गराउन चाहन्छौं ।
पुनः शनिबार विहानको विशेष प्रदर्शन सभामा सहभागी भइ नेपाली कला, संस्कृति तथा भेषभुषाको प्रचार प्रसार गरिदिनु हुन अनुरोध गर्दछौं ।
गुणराज लुइटेल
संचार संयोजक
२९ औं एएनए सम्मेलन, डि.सी.
TEL: 703-720-0360
Dear Presidents of our Nepali Community Organizations,
On the request of the 29th ANA Convention Organizing Committee, we
would like to invite Presidents and Officials of our community
organizations all over North America to the annual ANA Convention
being held in Westfields Marriott, near Washington, D.C. June 30
through July 4th in Virginia. (
http://ANA-Convention.org )
This is an open invitation to all of our community leaders in North
America because you have made ANA, now FoANA what it is.
Please participate in the Federation Council forum, along with various
other programs, right after inauguration on Friday, July 1, 2011 at
9am representing your organization. Your voice will shape what FoANA,
the future ANA, will become.
ANA Executive Board
On the request of the 29th ANA Convention Organizing Committee, we
would like to invite Presidents and Officials of our community
organizations all over North America to the annual ANA Convention
being held in Westfields Marriott, near Washington, D.C. June 30
through July 4th in Virginia. (
http://ANA-Convention.org )
This is an open invitation to all of our community leaders in North
America because you have made ANA, now FoANA what it is.
Please participate in the Federation Council forum, along with various
other programs, right after inauguration on Friday, July 1, 2011 at
9am representing your organization. Your voice will shape what FoANA,
the future ANA, will become.
ANA Executive Board
Dear Bishnu Jee,
I regret to inform you that I will not be able attend the DC meeting and participate in the ANA Scholarship Program scheduled for this Friday afternoon. Please cancel the ANA scholarship Program since I am conducting it so that you could use the room at that time for other purpose. Thanks.
Tulasi Joshi
Thurs- Jun 30
Date & Time Program Coordinator/Moderator Venue
3:00 pm-4:30 pm - Volunteers Kickoff Meeti - Hemanta Shrestha -Madison
5:00pm-6:00pm - Executive Board Meeting - Simon Dhungana - Hamilton
7:00pm-8:00pm - Dinner - West Lobby
10:00pm-11:30pm - kickoff Dance - Prasanta Paudel - Washingtonian I
Friday – July 1
Date & Time Program Coordinator/Moderator Venue
7:00am-8:00am - Prabachan/Prayer - Dr.Yogi Chinta mani - Washingtonian II
8:00am-9:00am - Breakfast - West Lobby
9:00am-11:00am - Formal Inauguration - Rabina Thapa -Lincoln Forum
& Federation Council
11:00am-11:30am - Break
11:30 pm -1:00pm - 1.Nova Temple & Cultural
Center (NTCC) - Rajan Adhikari - Washingtonian III
2.kid’s Camp - Dr.Yogi/ Goma Sagraula - Washingtonian II
3.Book Exhibition - Govinda G. Prerana - Madison
1:00pm-2:00pm - Lunch Break - West Lobby
2:00pm-3:30pm 1.Media Chat Media Track - Gunaraj Luitel - Washington III
2. Kid’s Camp - Goma Sangraula - Washingtonian II
3:30pm-4:00pm - Break
4:00am-6:00pm - 1.Mahila Shahitya Sammelan - Sita Pandya - Lincoln Forum
2. Finance Investment - Yam Adhikari - Washington III
6:30am-8:00pm - Dinner Break
8:00pm-10:30pm - Talent Show - Saroj Khanal - Grand Dominion
11:00an-12:30pm - DJ - Prasanta paudel - Grand Dominion
Saturday, July 2
Date & Time Program Coordinator/Moderator Venue
6:30am-7:30am - 1.Yoga/Exercise - Rosani Adhikari - Grand Dominion
2. Pryer/Prabachan - Dr.Yogi Chintamani - Washingtonian II
7:30am-9:00am - Breakfast
9:00am-9:30am - Grand Ceremony Procession
9:30am-11:00am - Grand Ceremony - Rabina Thapa - Grand Dominion
11:00am-11:30am - Break
11:30am-1:00pm - 1. NECC Meeting - Prem Sangraula - Lincoln Forum
2. N for Nepal (book release) - Anita Adhikari - Madison
3. Senior Camp - Kabindra Sitaula - Washingtonian II
4. Legal Forum - Keshav Sedhai - Washingtonian III
1:00pm-2:00pm - Lunch Break
2:00pm-3:30pm - 1.Movie Show- Dharma - Dr. Durga Pokharel - Lincoln Forum
2.Giving back: Going Nepal - Ram Kharel - Washingtonian III
3. Kid’s Camp - Goma Sangraula - Washingtonian II
2:30pm-6:30pm - Mitho Bhet-Ghat - Sibani Karki - Washingtonian I
3:30pm-4:00pm - Break
4:00pm-6:00pm - 1.Poetry Festival -Govinda Singh Rawat - Lincoln Forum
2. Community Health - Dr. Maheshwor Baidhya - Madison
3. Business Forum - Laxman Pradhan - Washingtonian III
4.Blood Donation -Sanjaya Thapa - Washingtonian II
6:00pm-7:00pm - Dinner
7:00pm-8:00pm - 1.Nursing Reunion - Manju Sangrula - Washingtonian II
2. Saraswoti School, Janakpur - Dr. Binod Shah - Washingtonian III (Reunion)
3. SEBS-NA/ANA reunion - Hari Sharma - Madison
8:00pm-10:30pm - Fashion Show - Sarad Bikram Singh - Grand Dominion
9:30pm -11:00pm - Women’s Night - Rabina Thapa - Washingtonian I
11:00pm-12:30pm - DJ - Prasanta Paudel - Grand Dominion
Sunday, July 3
Date & Time Program Coordinator/Moderator Venue
6:30am-7:00am - Yoga/Exercise - Roshani Adhikari - Grand dominion
7:00am-8:00am - Prayer/Prabachan - Dr. Yogi/Nepali Baba - Washingtonian II
8:00am-9:00am - Breakfast
9:30am-11;00am - ANA Past, Present & Future - Sudeep Shrestha - Lincoln Forum
11:00am-11:30am - Break
11.30am-1:00pm - 1. ANA General Meeeting - Simon Dhungana - Lincoln Forum 2. NRN Town Hall Meeting - Shiva Rai - Washingtonian III
1:00pm-2:00pm - Lunch Break
2:00pm-3:30pm - 1.Movie Show- Challenge - Rajan Bhandari - Lincoln Forum
2. Investment for Development-Khem Bhattachan - Washingtonian III
3:30pm-4:00pm - Break
3:30pm-5:30pm - 1.Sahitya Sanjh - Bishwobimohan Shrestha - Lincoln Forum
- 2.CAN-USA - Prabudha Dhal - Washingtonian III
3.Fed.of Indigenous People - Dr. Aditya Maharjan - Washingtonian II
5:30pm-7:00pm - 1.Convention Review - Sudeep Shrestha/ - Washingtonian II
-Tsewang Sherpa/Sharada Khati
- 2. Kid’s Free show - Goma Sangraula - Lincon Forum
6:30pm-7:30pm - Dinner
7:30pm-8:00pm - Award Ceremony - Chandra Lama/ Rabina Thapa-Grand Dominion
8:00pm-10:30pm - Grand Cultural Show -Saroj Khanal - Grand Dominion
11:00pm-1:00am - DJ - Prasant Paudel - Grand Dominion
**Mitho Bhet-Ghat Event will be held at the Washington I Ballroom on July 2nd and 3rd from 2:30-6:00pm**
Dear Respected Media Namaste !
As you know that we are just in a eve of ANA convention 2011. Here I am sending a most awaited promo link of the Talent Show, one of the Key event in 2011 ANA Convention for broadcast, link, load, upload or publication. Your support will highly be appreciated.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ex3qzq7ADQc&feature=related
For any further questions please call me directly at any time.
Media Coordinator
29th ANA Convention, Washington DC, USA
TEL: 703-720-0360
As you know that we are just in a eve of ANA convention 2011. Here I am sending a most awaited promo link of the Talent Show, one of the Key event in 2011 ANA Convention for broadcast, link, load, upload or publication. Your support will highly be appreciated.
For any further questions please call me directly at any time.
Media Coordinator
29th ANA Convention, Washington DC, USA
TEL: 703-720-0360
By Arun Sharma
28 years ago a group of Nepalis met at Corning NY with a vision. The result of that meeting was culmination of largest diaspora organization in North America with its name recognition unparallel, unsurpassed and unprecedented in diaspora’s history. Its Annual convention continues to draw largest crowd internationally year. Thousands join every year for social and intellectual interactions around July 4th the Independence Day weekend in the USA. Its modest Cultural Center at Lanham, MD brings hundreds of Nepalis every week for various spiritual and social needs. Both are the major milestone achievements for the North American Nepali Community.
The objective of the Association is promotion, preservation of Nepali identity and culture, educational assistance and building of Nepali Cultural Center. It has provided notable and remarkable service to the community for over a quarter of century and continues to do so.
We the members have created history together with a vision of co-operation and camaraderie working together towards these shared goals and objectives while also forging our friendship and identities together. By bringing Nepalis across continents with diverse interests less than one common roof the ANA has provided a largest platform for all to join and share each others ideas and visions in volunteering and philanthropy
Our Annual Convention: A Landmark in itself
Our Annual Convention event has become a biggest annual meet for Nepali diaspora in North America with international flavors exploring newer frontiers in volunteering, philanthropy, sharing of knowledge and resources along with variety of entertainments catering to the taste of diverse spectrum of peoples and with various roots. The music and the beats are on every year connecting us all too various regional sounds and songs. Since our beginning we have taken the message of friendship and partnership all around the USA from North to South, East to the West and from Mid West to South West, from Canada to California, from Dallas to Denver, Boston to Baltimore to San Francisco we renew and rekindle commitments and mutual friendship every year, year after year.
The Annual convention is typically a three days event while it is fun filled, loaded with entertainment also has intellectually stimulating programs and plenty of volunteering opportunities. A successful convention is a product of hard work and determination of so many people’s drive to excel every single year. There are team oriented efforts and goal to excel each year. Various new ideas are encouraged, solicited and implemented to suit the palates of all. These contributions come from large number of people all across the cities, States along with global flavors.
Since 1993 (Southern California Convention), we have realized reaching out to communities across America is the best way to connect with the diverse and wide spread population of diasporas. With a well defined program and well set format a new team every year is the driver making things happen blending it with local sound beats and taste. It is the local folks who design, organize and put together an excellent show with renewed commitment to quality. Denver 2003 was one of the best examples of newer generation taking charge and putting an excellent show. The 2004 Convention at Phoenix was also led by young folks under the guidance of senior ANA members. Phoenix Convention itself is an example of an efficient Convention by a smallest number of volunteers. Also in 2004 we introduced NRN Movement in North America first of its kind with a resounding success. Boston in 1989 was the first Convention where the idea of adding intellectual dimension in the form of forums came into being for the first time in our history. Los Angeles 2007 proved to us we can we can fill the hotel with enthusiastic crowd, put together a quality program all led by young local team blended with efficiency and style with some profit for our philanthropic needs. Many younger folks continue to come up with newer ideas and jumping into the frays of action. We seize their energy, drive and the enthusiasm to translate into a meaningful actions year. Every year we energize, electrify and galvanize large numbers of volunteers around various part of America and bring it all together to a new spot with a renewed spirit. That in essence is our recipe! A winner’s credo!!
We thank all volunteers who have given a hand, and made this organization bigger and better with innovative ideas, hard work and dedication. Without there endless efforts, tireless work, spirit, energy and enthusiasm we would not be celebrating our communion today. We share our vision and dreams with all who came forward to be a part of this ongoing journey of excellence and perfection which is a never ending journey.
This Association is at this critical juncture needs the care takers to come together and save its very existence. The cost of NOT coming together is enormous is NOT an understatement.
Hari, Indira Sharma, Kamal and Jyoti Pathak, Pavitra and Amrit Tuladhar
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Lancaster, PA
Amar & Meena Giri
Washington, D.C
Bishnu Poudel & Ram Malakar
Bowling Green, OH
Mohan & Bijaya Shrestha
Toronto, Canada:
Kunjar & Carolyn Sharma, Kumud & Bhadrika Sharma
Long Island, NY
Krishna & Tara Manandhar
Boston, MA
Prahlad KC
Orlando, FL
Pramod Sharma & Gambhir Shrestha
Fairmont , WV
Tulasi Joshi
Rochester,New York:
Shyam and Indira Karki
Claremont, California:
Arun, Sunanda Sharma, Deepak Shimkhada , Veda Joshi and Kiran Joshi
Arlington, Virginia
Bishnu Poudel
Denver, Colorado:
Raja Upadhyay & Ramakanth Adhikari
Newark-New Jersey
Girija Gautam
Boston, MA
GBNC, Boston, MA
Greensboro, NC
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Hartford, Connecticut:
Jeet Joshee
Atlanta, Georgia
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania:
Suman Timsina
Chantilly, Virginia
Meena Giri, Girija Gautam, Anup Pahari, Simon Dhungana
Denver, Colorado:
Naveen Dutta & Rocky Mountain
Phoenix, AZ
Amrit Tuladhar , Sunanda Sharma
Dallas, TX
Baikuntha Thapa & NST
Newark, New Jersey
Suman Shah, Pravab Shah-NYC
Los Angeles, CA
Friends of Nepal
Baltimore, MD
San Fransisco, CA
NANC, Govinda Shahi
Boston, MA
GBNC, Boston, MA
Dear all,
About the Election and notice given by attorney representing few individuals
In agreement with the position of the attorney representing the individuals, it has been all along the position of the ITFANA, Election Committee, MVCANA and the Executive board that the election 2011 of ANA officers for 2011-2013 has not been completed. Accordingly, the ITFANA, Election Committee, the Executive board officers and ANA members are determined to complete the election pursuit to the terms of the bylaws of the association as well stopples law principle where applicable. So, in this regard we thank the attorney representing few individuals for supporting and validating our declaration.
About 29th ANA-DC Convention
Attached please find authorization letter from the executive board of the Association of Nepalis in Americas (ANA) in this regard. While respecting individual liberty to express personal views, the fact remains that no individual opinions can impose official declaration to be tailored differently to please a pool of members only. ANA-DC Convention is the official yearly convention of the Association of Nepalis in Americas (ANA) for 2011.
About Unity in ANA
While vast majority of ANA members are united, it is unfortunate that a pool of few individuals are not satisfied in panic of loosing their elite authority as in the past. The other pool of few individuals siding with the unsatisfied individuals can be understood, and respected as a friend supporting a friend regardless. Rest assured that we are all for unity. We invite any members in Nepalis community (including those who are dissatisfied) for unity cause to have a civilized and mutually respectful dialogue amongst us with open mind, fairness and institutional integrity of a nonprofit community organization as our guidelines. We reject “unity” with the attitude to impose individual commands and compel self-desires to others, as such practices are out-dated.
Thank you,
Tsewang Sherpalama
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