ए एन ए को नाम मा मन्दिर र एन इ सी सी को सम्पत्ती हडप्ने खेल, प्रतिबेदन प्रती डिसी बासि नेपाली आगो !

Exclusive..."ए एन ए को आन्तरिक लडाईं सँग हामीलाई मतलब छैन, हामी कुनै गुट सँग आवद्ध पनि छैनौँ " - सँयोजक हेमन्त श्रेष्ठ
बोस्टनमा ८२ हजार डलर को घाटा सम्मेलन गरी आफ्नो बहादुरी देखाएर ए एन ए को ईतिहास मै कलँक लगाउन सफल ए एन ए नेत्रित्व बर्ग केही समय यता दुई वटा गुट बनाएर आफै आफै लडिरहेको देखेर त नेपाली समुदाय लज्जित थियो थियो अब फेरी अर्को लज्जित काम शुरु भएको छ, एउटा गुट को छानबिन समितिका संयोजक छ्यवाङ शेर्पा लामाले फेरी अर्को लज्जित काम गरेर नेपालीको शिर निहुर्याउने दुस्प्रयास गर्नुभएको छ । वहाँको कथित रिपोर्टमा पशुपती बुद्ध मन्दिर (एन इ सि सि )लाई समेत वहाँले बिबादमा तान्ने र त्यस्को सम्पत्तिमा ए एन ए को एउटा गुटले आँखा गाडेको देखाउँदै पुरानो मन्दिर को सम्पत्ती एन इ सि सि र ए एन ए को आधा आधा हुने कुतर्क गरेर मान्छे हंसाउने काम गरेको देखेर आफ्नो खुन पसिना चुहाएर र चन्दा संकलन गरेर मन्दिर आज यहाँ सम्म ल्याउने समाजसेबिहरु तथा चन्दादाता आक्रोसित बनेका छन । ए एन ए को कुनै पनि गुटलाई यो पवित्र मन्दिर र एन इ सि सि लाई संगै जोड्ने र सम्पत्ती माथि आँखा लगाउने अधिकार छैन भन्दै एन इ सि सि मा संलग्न समाजसेबिहरु एबम चन्दादाताहरुले यो
दुस्प्रयास तुरुन्त बन्द गर्न चेतावनी दिएका छन । साथै पुरानो मन्दिर बेचेर त्यो पैसा ल्याएर नर्दन भर्जिनियामा मन्दिर बनाउने हो भन्दै केही मान्छे लाई भ्रममा पार्ने ए एन ए कै केही नालायक नेताको पनि डिसी मेट्रो क्षेत्र का नेपालीले भ्रत्सना गरेकाछन । ए एन ए पहिला सबै नेपालीको छाता संस्था थियो तर बोस्टन को कथित सम्मेलन र घाटा प्रकरणको नौटँकी संगै बर्तमान नेत्रित्व र केही पर्दा पछाडिका आफुलाइ खेलाडी सम्झिने भगौडा हरुका कारण यो संस्था नराम्ररि थलिएको छ । यो अब उठ्न निकै गाह्रो छ । किनकी एउटा गुट डिसी सम्मेलन र अर्को गुट क्लोराडो सम्मेलन को नाम मा नेपालीहरुलाई बेकुफ बनाउने खेल मा छन । तर बुझी नसक्नु कुरा त केही यस्ता क्रिम र राम्रा मान्छे हरु समेत तिनै असक्ष्यम हरु द्वारा सन्चालित भएर आफु पनि बिटुलिदै छन । केही पद का भोका हरु आफ्नो स्वार्थका लागि तिनै नालायकहरुको पछी लाग्दै छन । गत सम्मेलन को हिसाब किताब मीलान गर्नु, समस्या को समाधान खोज्नुको सट्टा उल्टै नेपाली नेपाली बिच फाटो पैदा गर्ने, पशुपती बुद्ध मन्दिर एन इ सी सी माथि समेत आँखा गाढ्ने, ए एन ए लाई पनि दुर्गन्धित् पार्ने सम्बन्धित सबै घ्रिणाका पात्र हुन र ईतिहासले यि नालायक पात्रहरुलाई कहिलै माफ गर्ने छैन यसै भन्दैछन डिसी वरपर बस्ने नेपालीहरु । यसै बिच बोस्टन सम्मेलनमा पैसा नभएको चेक बाट भुक्तानी गरी ठगी गरेको आरोप सहित तत्कालिन ए एन ए नेत्रित्व अर्थात अध्यक्ष्य सिमोन ढुंगाना, उपाध्यक्ष्य मेदिनी अधिकारी, कोसाध्यक्ष्य उत्सब गुरुङ सहित् सिङो कार्य समिती बिरुद्ध अमेरिकि अदालत मा मुद्धा दिन पीडित हरु बाउन्स भएका चेक सहित तयार भएका छन । अमेरिकामा २५० डलर भन्दा माथिको ठगी लाई ठुलो अपराध मात्र मानिदैन, फेलोनी अन्तर्गत कार्वाही गरी उसलाई कुनै काम का लागि अयोग्य ठहर्याइन्छ भन्ने कुरा पैसा नभएको चेक काट्ने र काट्न लगाउने हरुले नबुझेको देख्दा ठगिने हरुनै तीन छक परेका छन ।    यसै बिच एन इ सी सी का कोसाध्यक्ष्य नेत्र घिसिङ सहित् अधिकांस पदाधिकारिले नेपाल मदर सँग कुरा गर्दै छेवाङ शेर्पाको कथित प्रतिबेदन प्रती आपत्ति प्रकट गर्नुभयो । उता सिमोन ढुंगाना गुटको डिसी सम्मेलन आयोजक समिती का भनी प्रचार गरिएका सँयोजक हेमन्त श्रेष्ठले नेपाल मदर सँग कुरागर्दै भन्नु भयो "ए एन ए को आन्तरिक लडाईं सँग हामीलाई मतलब छैन, हामी कुनै गुट सँग आवद्ध पनि छैनौँ, हाम्रो उद्देस्य केबल जुलाई ३,४,५ को नेपाली को जमघट, सम्मेलन, मनोरन्जन लाई निरन्तरता दिनु मात्र हो, सबैलाई समेट्नु बाहेक हामी अरु गुटबन्धिमा विश्वाश गर्दैनौँ "
अब हाम्रो भनाइ : ए एन ए को बेहाल खबर हामीले पनि मुकदर्शक भएर लामो समय सुनी रह्यौँ, यो संस्था बांचोस्, नफुटोस, नेपाली नेपाली नलडुन, मिलेर काम गरुन भनेर हामीले धैर्यता बनाइ राख्यौँ तर हाम्रो धैर्यता ९ महिना पछी आएर टुट्दैछ अझै पनि फेरी दुबै ए एन ए का दुबै गुटलाई मिल्न, एक हुन, र ए एन ए लाई बचाइ राख्न, यसको ईतिहास मर्न नदिन दुबै पक्षलाई आग्रह गर्दै त्यसो नभए नेपाल मदर डट कमले दुबै पक्षका भस्मासुर हरुको एक एक नाली बेली उतारेर फोटो सहित् नेपाली बिच नङ्याउने काम मा पछी नहट्ने तर्फ सबै लाई सचेत गराउन चाहन्छ । अर्को कुरा ए एन ए लाई तत्काल एन ई सि सि बाट आऊट गर्नुपर्छ किनको यो बिबादित ए एन ए मन्दिर र एन ई सि सि को हकदार हुन सक्दैन कुनै हालतमा पनि ।अन्त्यमा हाम्रो कसै सँग कुनै रिश द्वेश छैन, ए एन ए को समस्या समाधान गर्ने सिमोन ढुंगाना होस् वा शम्भु ढुंगाना वा अरु कोही, उसलाई हामी अभिनन्दन गर्ने छौं र गुटबन्दी गर्ने लाई नङ्याउने छौं । हामीलाई एक भएको, एउटा ए एन ए मात्र चाहिन्छ बास त्यत्ती हो, यसमा हाम्रो कुनै स्वार्थ छैन ।           
Another Related news

See this Funny press Release :
Tsewang Sherpalama
Independent Task Force of ANA (ITFANA)
29th ANA Convention in Washington DC

Phone: 347-355-8237

Email: Sherpalama@aol.com


Nepal Education Culture Center (NECC) has been the most important and focused project of ANA. Over the years public donations have solicited by ANA as well s NECC to plan, complete and develop this project. “Leaders of ANA came up with a vision to establish a Nepali Cultural Center, and initiated it first in the Washington DC Metro area, back in the 1990s The dream was to form a center where people could congregate to celebrate social and religious occasions, a place where news and information could be exchanged, a place to welcome and help new immigrants, a place where preservation of Nepali language, music, art and culture would persevere and flourish”. Exhibit A. Appeal letter from Maven Dutta, Executive Director, NECC Board of Directors, Nepal Education and Cultural Center. Subsequently, “in 1996 a property consisting of 3.2 acres of land along with a house in Lanham, Maryland was bought. In the year 2000, Pashupati and Buddha Mandir were formally established at the Lanham property”. This property is known here as the “old property”. “Within a relatively short period of time the Community decided to purchase a bigger lot elsewhere and had accomplished that goal by purchasing a property including a house and a barn in a 9.4 acres lot”. Exhibit A. Appeal letter from Maven Dutta, Executive Director, NECC Board of Directors, Nepal This property is known here as the “new property”. It has been reported by the President Simon Dhungana-ju, Former president Dr. Shyam Karki-ju and Former President Niraula-ju that ANA currently has two real state properties. “The old property” is titled under ANA. “The newer property” is tilled under 5/6 individual names”.

ITFANA Finding:

1. It is verified by the president Simon Dhungana that the “old property” is title deed under ANA as the owner of the said property. Further, the president Simon Dhungana also verified that this property is being put in the market for sale currently. Exhibit B. Email and property sale contract document.

5. It has been reported that the “new Property” owners are KRISHNA NIROLA, SHYAM KARKI, HARI SHARMA, KAMAL PATHAK, MEENA GIRI, AND PREM SANRAULA e(each individually as an “Owner” and collectively, "the Owners") and Nepal Education and Cultural Center, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland, (as “the Corporation”). Further it has been reported that “a consent agreement” was made amongst the property owners that the property is for NECC and may not be inherited by them and their family members. However, the said “consent agreement” received by the ITFANA lacked signatures of title deed holders of the said property. Exhibit C. Agreement document, unsigned.

6. It is also verified that NECC has been registered as a separate nonprofit organization and has obtained separate 501 © (3) status. Exhibit D. letter from the IRS

7. It is also verified that both ANA and NECC are administered under separate organizational bylaws. Exhibit E. Bylaws of ANA and the bylaws of NECC

ITFANA Conclusion:

1 Although NECC was a vision to establish a Nepali Cultural Center initiated by ANA, the fact today is that NECC has been registered as a separate entity from ANA with separate 501 © (3) status and separate bylaws. Therefore, ANA’s and NECC’s administration, management, financial affairs and legal liabilities must be independent and separate from each other.

2. Although independent and separate both ANA and NECC are Non-profit Nepali community organization. Therefore, the “new property” should be part of NECC’s assets, and the sales revenue of the “old property” being sold must be distributed 50/50 between ANA and NECC.

see some other comments about this press release through email

Mr. Tsewang Sherpalama
Independent Task Force of ANA (ITFANA)

Dear Mr. Sherpalama,

First of all; thank you for reversing your following statement “Finding ANA and NECC’s relation”, which was misleading and shocking statement to the NECC lovers. We all know that the NECC project was initiated by ANA, but now NECC is separate entity. For me, if anyone comes with the idea of saying NECC project was initiated by ANA, therefore; ANA should get 50% of the revenue from the NECC’s old property, it is just like saying King Prithivi Narayan Shah initiated to build Nepal, therefore; former King Gyanendra Shah should get half of Nepal IS IT POSSIBLE?

Secondly; I really appreciate your time and efforts for working “so called unite” NRN NCC USA and ANA, from which ANA was able to award senior vice president to Mr. Pralad KC and added name as (A.K.A. NRN America) for ANA. But in this case; if anyone recommends ANA should get 50% of the revenue from NECC’s old property, then I think it will not help ANA, rather it will push ANA in to even deeper whole.

Lastly; looking at your following report , I think you are either not fully aware about NECC or you got the wrong information, therefore; I sincerely would like to request you to attend the NECC’s meeting this Sunday (April 3) 2 PM at the NECC’s promises.

Thank you for your commitment to serve Nepali community and look forward to working with you as always.

Ram C Kharel
Sagarmatha Television
Nepal Darshan TV
Image Audio Visual Professional

(PS: This email is my personnel opinion, and it neither represent NECC Management nor NRN NCC USA)


Tsewang Sherpalama
Independent Task Force of ANA (ITFANA)
29th ANA Convention in Washington DC

Nepal Education Culture Center (NECC) has been the most important and focused project of ANA. Over the years public donations have solicited by ANA as well s NECC to plan, complete and develop this project.  “Leaders of ANA came up with a vision to establish a Nepali Cultural Center, and initiated it first in the Washington DC Metro area, back in the 1990s The dream was to form a center where people could congregate to celebrate social and religious occasions, a place where news and information could be exchanged, a place to welcome and help new immigrants, a place where preservation of Nepali language, music, art and culture would persevere and flourish”. Exhibit A. Appeal letter from Maven Dutta, Executive Director, NECC Board of Directors, Nepal Education and Cultural Center. Subsequently, “in 1996 a property consisting of 3.2 acres of land along with a house in Lanham, Maryland was bought. In the year 2000, Pashupati and Buddha Mandir were formally established at the Lanham property”. This property is known here as the “old property”. “Within a relatively short period of time the Community decided to purchase a bigger lot elsewhere and had accomplished that goal by purchasing a property including a house and a barn in a 9.4 acres lot”. Exhibit A. Appeal letter from Maven Dutta, Executive Director, NECC Board of Directors, Nepal This property is known here as the “new property”. It has been reported by the President Simon Dhungana-ju, Former president Dr. Shyam Karki-ju and Former President Niraula-ju that ANA currently has two real state properties. “The old property” is titled under ANA. “The newer property” is tilled under 5/6 individual names”.

ITFANA Finding:
1.  It is verified by the president Simon Dhungana that the “old property” is title deed under ANA as the owner of the said property. Further, the president Simon Dhungana also verified that this property is being put in the market for sale currently. Exhibit B. Email and property sale contract document.

5. It has been reported that the “new Property” owners are KRISHNA NIROLA, SHYAM KARKI, HARI SHARMA, KAMAL PATHAK, MEENA GIRI, AND PREM SANRAULA  e(each individually as an “Owner” and collectively, "the Owners") and Nepal Education and Cultural Center, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Maryland, (as “the Corporation”). Further it has been reported that “a consent agreement” was made amongst the property owners that the property is for NECC and may not be inherited by them and their family members. However, the said “consent agreement” received by the ITFANA lacked signatures of title deed holders of the said property. Exhibit C. Agreement document, unsigned.

6. It is also verified that NECC has been registered as a separate nonprofit organization and has obtained separate 501 © (3) status. Exhibit D. letter from the IRS
7. It is also verified that both ANA and NECC are administered under separate organizational bylaws. Exhibit E. Bylaws of ANA and the bylaws of NECC

ITFANA Conclusion:
1 Although NECC was a vision to establish a Nepali Cultural Center initiated by ANA, the fact today is that NECC has been registered as a separate entity from ANA with separate 501 © (3) status and separate bylaws. Therefore, ANA’s and NECC’s administration, management, financial affairs and legal liabilities must be independent and separate from each other.

2. Although independent and separate both ANA and NECC are Non-profit Nepali community organization. Therefore, the “new property” should be part of NECC’s assets, and the sales revenue of the “old property” being sold must be distributed 50/50 between ANA and NECC.

Tsewang Sherpalama
Independent Task Force of Association on Nepalese in Americas (ITFANA)
March 31, 2011

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 1:01 AM, <sherpalama@aol.com> wrote:

Dear Mr. President,
Please find attached ITFANA's repeal to previous conclusion #2, and replacement report and conclusion on the affairs and issues of the Association of Nepalese (ANA) and Nepal Education and Culture Center (NECC) affairs and issues.
Thank you kindly for providing supporting factual information to your contention particularly on the conclusion #2 submitted to the executive board by the ITFANA. Having verified all information provided by you and others, ITFANA repeals its previous #2 conclusion and replace the same with as presented in this new report and conclusion.
Report is attached as well.
Thank you,
Tsewang Sherpalama
April 2, 2011.
Dear ANA and NECC Executives, Members, Supporters, and the rest,
In the currant conflict resolutions of ANA, the task of ITFANA is to resolve the issues exclusively based on available factual evidence guided within the legal frameworks of a non-profit community organization. In this regard, accordingly the ITFANA had submitted and issued report and conclusion press release to the currant executive board in the matter of Association of Nepalese (ANA) and Nepal Education and Culture Center (NECC) affairs and issues. 
Today, the president of ANA Mr. Simon Dhungana and several other Nepali community leaders included past presidents of ANA and officers of NECC had personally called me and/or emailed me their discord pertaining to particularly following previous conclusion of the ITFANA.  
“2. Although independent and separate both ANA and NECC are Non-profit Nepali community organization. Therefore, the “new property” should be part of NECC’s assets, and the sales revenue of the “old property” being sold must be distributed 50/50 between ANA and NECC”.
All those concerned who spoke and/or emailed to me to contend their views, rightfully, reasonably and respectfully did so. I am grateful for such civility. Upon healthy open dialogue all of them directed me towards more factual information today other then what was available to the ITFANA pertaining to this matter. And they are following.
1. The “old property” of ANA as briefed in previous report too was purchased exclusively to establish Nepal Education & Culture Center (NECC).
2.  ANA had decided in the past to sell this said “old property” to finance the current mortgage of the other NECC property briefed here as the “new property”. And, that is the reason that the “old property” is being put in the market for sale currently. Exhibit Email confirmation by President Mr. Simon Dhungana and telephone conversation with all those who contacted me today.
Therefore, in light of the public contention supported by legitimacy the ITFANA respectfully repeals its previous conclusion “#2” in the matter of ANA/NECC affairs. Further, the ITFANA respectfully accepts the fact that decisions made by executive officers of the ANA/NECC in the past stands as the final decision of ANA/NECC over any conclusion made by the ITFANA.
Thus, the ITFNA repeals previous conclusion “#2” and replace with “Although independent and separate both ANA and NECC are Non-profit Nepali community organization. Therefore, the “old property” and the “new property” both should be part of Nepal Education Culture Center ‘s (NECC’s) assets. Further, the title deed of the “old Property” should be transferred to NECC from ANA” and in case the "old propoerty"  is sold before the title transfer, then all proceeds from the sale of the "old property" should be handed over to the NECC to pay its mortgage of the "new property"  
The ITFNA greatly appreciates and sincerely thank all those who participated in direct dialogue today in resolving this matter factually, and guiding me appropriately. Together, in unity, with open mind and honest dialogue we can move forward to better ANA days.
I, Tsewang Sherpalama earnestly apologize to all for any confusion that may have created unpleasant moment in the community in lack of complete information available in this matter to the ITFANA.
Thank you,
Tsewang Sherpalama
Independent Task Force of Association of Nepalese in America (ITFANA)
March 2, 20011
ITFANA is an independent Task Force of Association of Nepalese in Americas. ITFANA reports were written independently based only on factual evidence and information available at the time. All ITFANA reports submitted to the executive board included ANA/NEC affairs were without any prior knowledge to anyone to keep the independence of the Task Force. Should anyone have differing information supported by factual evidence in any matters presented in the reports of the ITFANA, your cooperation and participation is highly encouraged, anticipated and appreciated. The sole effort of ITFANA is to bring all united on the same platform at the end, and together build a stronger…........................ANA…………….ANA………..ANA…………&……… ANA.

Ram C Kharel
Sagarmatha Television
Nepal Darshan TV
Image Audio Visual Professional

from Dar Friends,

Like all of you, I was very concerned about this. Simonji & I have spoken with Tsemangji separately. Apparently, there has been a misunderstanding and after careful review of the minutes of meetings of ANA & NECC, Tsemangji is planning to issue a new statement indicating that as confirmed by previous understanding, ANA is going to use all proceeds from the sale of the Lanham property to pay off the mortgage and to develop the New Bealsville property and also the title of the property will be changed to the NECC.

So, after some anxious moments, everything will be back to normal.  On the brighter side, it showed how committed we are to NECC and how much strong feelings we have for the future of NECC.

Warm regards,
Shyam Karki

Shyam Karki They are forever free who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego-cage of "I", "me", and "mine" to be united with the Lord. This is the supreme state. Attain to this, and pass from death to immortality.

-Bhagavad Gita 2:71

Neupane, Khilendra <Khilendra.Neupane@montgomerycountymd.gov>
toRam Prasad Khanal <rampdkhanal@gmail.com>
dateFri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:45 PM
subjectRE: Mass email : ? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ???????? ?????? ???, ????????? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? !

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hide details 1:45 PM (4 hours ago)

Ram Prasad jee Namaskar,
I appreciate for your concern and initiation for NECC regarding so called report from Sherpalama through your popular media Nepal Mother. I will see you on Sunday at the meeting and talk in detail. Thank you.


fromPrem Sangraula <psangraula@yahoo.com>
toRam Prasad Khanal <rampdkhanal@gmail.com>
dateFri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:31 PM
subjectRe: Mass email : ए एन ए को नाम मा मन्दिर र एन इ सी सी को सम्पत्ती हडप्ने खेल, प्रतिबेदन प्रती डिसी बासि नेपाली आगो !

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hide details 2:31 PM (5 hours ago)

Thanks Khanal jee. It is an extremly urgent work for NECC and ANA to clarify this confusion. NECC Board of Directors, NECC Mgmt team, NECC Area Coordinators and ANA authority should have an emergency meeting on this issue and should be resolved permanently. They should finalize the issue and fix everything for the larger benifit of Nepalese community. Please note that all those donors who have donted in the past since it inception is for NECC, not for ANA, however the project was run by ANA initially. For example, if Red Cross Society collects donation for Japan's earthquake, all the donation must go for that specific purpose. Red Cross does not have any authority to manipulate anything in between regarding that donation. I hope that all the concerned parties will understand this simple procedure of the project.
prem Sangraula

---- Forwarded Message ----
From: Saroj Prajapati <psaroj_d@hotmail.com>
To: Simón Dhungana <simondhungana@yahoo.com>
Cc: "Amargiri@comcast.net" <Amargiri@comcast.net>; Ram Kharel <rk@nepaltvusa.com>; Netra Ghising <nghising@hotmail.com>; Dr. Hari Sharma <mudvari@hotmail.com>; "kamalpathak100@gmail.com" <kamalpathak100@gmail.com>; Shyam Karki <nepal1975@yahoo.com>; Hari Sharma <hsharma111@aol.com>; Krishna Nirola <rknirola@hotmail.com>; Prem Sangraula <psangraula@worldbank.org>; Sushil Neupane <producersushil@gmail.com>; Ram Malakar <malakar_ram@hotmail.com>; Khilendra Neupane (Office) <khilendra.neupane@montgomerycountymd.gov>; Medini Adhikari <adhikarimedini@gmail.com>; Nabin Dutta <ndutta@hotmail.com>; Mahendra (yahoo) Karki <mah_karki@yahoo.com>; Khem Bhattachan (Yahoo) <khem_bhattachan@yahoo.com>; Lok Nath Tiwari <ltiwari@gharekabab.com>
Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 2:19:22 PM
Subject: Re: ANA and NECC

We were always worry this and now this report. It is really sad that Mr. Sherpa Lama posted this kind of report without consulting Simon Ji. How can we trust anyone? Next meeting is very important. Let's all be there this sunday.
I hope together we can all save NECC.

Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 1, 2011, at 12:50 PM, Simón Dhungana <simondhungana@yahoo.com> wrote:

Dear All,
I just spoke Mr. Sherpalama and informed him that it is my understanding and commitment, personally and as chairman of BOD, derived from decisions in the past that upon the sale of the Lanham property, all funds are to be transferred to NECC and used to pay for new NECC property in Bealsville, and as such advised him to consider revising his conclusion, and do the needful in the next updated public message.
I will forward if there is any communication from him on this.

From: Simón Dhungana <simondhungana@yahoo.com>
To: Amargiri@comcast.net; Ram Kharel <rk@nepaltvusa.com>
Cc: Netra Ghising <nghising@hotmail.com>; Dr. Hari Sharma <mudvari@hotmail.com>; kamalpathak100@gmail.com; Shyam Karki <nepal1975@yahoo.com>; Hari Sharma <hsharma111@aol.com>; Krishna Nirola <rknirola@hotmail.com>; Prem Sangraula <psangraula@worldbank.org>; Sushil Neupane <producersushil@gmail.com>; Saroj Prajapati <psaroj_d@hotmail.com>; Ram Malakar <malakar_ram@hotmail.com>; Khilendra Neupane (Office) <khilendra.neupane@montgomerycountymd.gov>; Medini Adhikari <adhikarimedini@gmail.com>; Nabin Dutta <ndutta@hotmail.com>; Mahendra (yahoo) Karki <mah_karki@yahoo.com>; Khem Bhattachan (Yahoo) <khem_bhattachan@yahoo.com>; Lok Nath Tiwari <ltiwari@gharekabab.com>
Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 12:07:15 PM
Subject: Re: ANA and NECC

I was not aware and have initiated contact to find out.

From: "Amargiri@comcast.net" <Amargiri@comcast.net>
To: Ram Kharel <rk@nepaltvusa.com>
Cc: Netra Ghising <nghising@hotmail.com>; Dr. Hari Sharma <mudvari@hotmail.com>; kamalpathak100@gmail.com; Shyam Karki <nepal1975@yahoo.com>; Hari Sharma <hsharma111@aol.com>; Krishna Nirola <rknirola@hotmail.com>; Prem Sangraula <psangraula@worldbank.org>; Sushil Neupane <producersushil@gmail.com>; Saroj Prajapati <psaroj_d@hotmail.com>; Ram Malakar <malakar_ram@hotmail.com>; Khilendra Neupane (Office) <khilendra.neupane@montgomerycountymd.gov>; Simon Dhungana <simondhungana@yahoo.com>; Medini Adhikari <adhikarimedini@gmail.com>; Nabin Dutta <ndutta@hotmail.com>; Mahendra (yahoo) Karki <mah_karki@yahoo.com>; Khem Bhattachan (Yahoo) <khem_bhattachan@yahoo.com>; Lok Nath Tiwari <ltiwari@gharekabab.com>
Sent: Fri, April 1, 2011 11:57:48 AM
Subject: RE: ANA and NECC
I was greatly shocked to read this report by Nepal Horizon and Sherpalama statement. Presidnt Simon will you please shed some light to this report.
Amar Giri.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ram Kharel <rk@nepaltvusa.com>
To: Netra Ghising <nghising@hotmail.com>, Dr. Hari Sharma <mudvari@hotmail.com>, kamalpathak100@gmail.com, Shyam Karki <nepal1975@yahoo.com>, Hari Sharma <hsharma111@aol.com>, Krishna Nirola <rknirola@hotmail.com>, Amar Giri <amargiri@comcast.net>, Prem Sangraula <psangraula@worldbank.org>, Sushil Neupane <producersushil@gmail.com>, Saroj Prajapati <psaroj_d@hotmail.com>, Ram Malakar <malakar_ram@hotmail.com>, Khilendra Neupane (Office) <khilendra.neupane@montgomerycountymd.gov>, Simon Dhungana <simondhungana@yahoo.com>, Medini Adhikari <adhikarimedini@gmail.com>, Nabin Dutta <ndutta@hotmail.com>, Mahendra (yahoo) Karki <mah_karki@yahoo.com>, Khem Bhattachan (Yahoo) <khem_bhattachan@yahoo.com>, Lok Nath Tiwari <ltiwari@gharekabab.com>
Sent: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 15:49:02 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: RE: ANA and NECC

Dear All
I was not happy with the report about NECC, therefore I did request Nepalhorizons to withdraw it, I hope Subujee will cooperate it.. Thanks

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Netra Ghising
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 10:50 AM
To: Dr. Hari Sharma; kamalpathak100@gmail.com; Shyam Karki; Hari Sharma; Krishna Nirola; Amar Giri; Prem Sangraula; Ram kharel; Sushil Neupane; Saroj Prajapati; Ram Malakar; Khilendra Neupane (Office); Simon Dhungana; Medini Adhikari; Nabin Dutta; Mahendra (yahoo) Karki; Khem Bhattachan (Yahoo); Lok Nath Tiwari; nghising@hotmail.com
Subject: ANA and NECC

Dear All

Please see the attached message below and link to NepalHorizons.com. I personally found this is shame within our community and wondering who empowered Independent Task Force of ANA (ITFANA) to desseminate such an irresponsible 'so called press release' which carries negative impact to the only tangible community project? I want to know the involvement of ANA past executives on making such reckless decision if any. 


Netra Ghising



  1. i am 100% agreed with Nepalmother.com.
    Khem, DC

  2. Dear Hemanta ji and other Friends of Commettee.
    you Guys are great but why you going to back with one group, thats not fare. before call the convention, call one meeting with both group and try to make only one ana first.


  3. Kamal Krishna Khatri says
    yi himal chadna jane sherpa lai report banauna lagayepachhi yastai hunchha ni ! yo sherpale DC ma aago balne bhayo, ko ko poline hun ba !

  4. Simon jasto sidha ra bhadra manchhe lai yo sherpa le dubaune bhayo ba ! yo simon lai pahila Medini adhikari le dubayo aba chewang sherpa le ! Simon Pheri kasto manchhe ho ko kasto ho bhanne ta chinnu parchha ni ! - supporter of Simon

  5. simon

    you are a very nice we know that but you have some friends who are not good so are are on trouble now, please left bad people and catch good people. you can handle the situation but need to understand whats going on.

  6. NECC should out ANA from NECC.


  7. ANA ko bisayama aba sabai bolnai parchha 82 hajar ghata ????????? dui gut ???????? kam sam kehi chhaina ajha herana yinaka phurti ???? gaand korakor !! nepali lai kebhako ho ha ?? Nepalmother.com le alli photo ra pura bibaran sahit nangyaunu parne ! ajha haso lagdo kura kun sherpa ho tyo ajha mandir ko sampatima aakha lagaune ? 50 / 50 ?? aba ANA lai NECC bata nikale pachhi aauchh 50% Murkha haru !


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