Breaking News.......
'राजतन्त्र समाप्त भयो भन्नु काल्पनिक'
तीन वर्षअघि राजपाट गुमाएका पूर्वराजा ज्ञानेन्द्र शाहले संविधानसभाबाट भएको गणतन्त्र घोषणालाई चुनौती दिँदै नेपालबाट राजतन्त्र समाप्त भइ नसकेको उदघोष गरेका छन्। २९ जेठ २०६५ मा नारायणहिटी छाडेपछि पहिलो पटक नेपाली मिडियासँग बोल्दै शाहले आफू पुनः राजा हुन सक्ने संकेत गरेका छन्। 'राजतन्त्र समाप्त भयो भन्नु अलि हाइपोथेटिकल (काल्पनिक) भयो। देशको इतिहासको पाना पल्टाएर हेर्दाखेरी यो माथि जाने तल आउने भित्रिने बाहिरिने भइराख्छ जस्तो लाग्छ । त्यसैले फेरि दोहोर्याउँछु। जनताले नै यो कुरालाई गहन र जिम्मेवारी साथ विचार गरेर जे निधो गर्छन् त्यही मान्नुपर्छ।' रामनवमीको अवसरमा....अन्तर्वार्ताको भिडियो हेर्न भित्र जानुस् ...जानकी मन्दिर दर्शनका लागि जनकपुर पुगेका शाहले एभिन्युज टेलिभिजनलाई अन्तरवार्ता दिँदै अहिले मुलुकमा नागरिक सुरक्षाको खाँचो भएको औंल्याएका छनसर्वसाधारणको जीउ धनको सुरक्षाको खाँचो जस्तो लागेको छ मलाई।' तीन वर्षअघि गद्दीच्युत भएका ज्ञानेन्द्रले अन्तरवार्तामा भनेका छन्- ' देशमा अमन चयन र शान्ति होस् भनेर नै हामीले छाडेका हौं।' एभिन्युज टेलिभिजनका सुमन गिरीसँगको अन्तरवार्ताको पूर्ण पाठः
अहिले देश जुन मोडबाट गुजि्ररहेको छ, यतिखेर के महसुस गरिरहनु भएको छ ?
बहुमत जनताले के खोज्छन् त्यो नै हाम्रो चाहना हो । मेरो पनि त्यही हो । अहिले देशमा सर्वसधारणको जीउ धनको सुरक्षाको खाँचो छ भन्ने मलाई लागेको छ । देशमा शान्ति होस् नेपाली जनताले के खोजेका छन् त्यही होस् । सबैलाई अटाउने ठाउँ होस् र हाम्रा पूर्खाहरुले जसरी यो देशलाई एकताको सुत्रमा बाँधेका थिए त्यो माला नचुँडियोस् भन्ने हाम्रो चाहना छ ।
राजतन्त्रको अन्त्यपछि देश कतातिर जाँदै गरेको अनुभूति हुन्छ, दण्डहीनता र अराजकता बढेको छ, दलहरु सहमतिमा आउन सकेका छैनन्, हालै मात्र शिखरपुरुष गिरिजाबाबुको निधन भएको छ, यस्तो अबस्थामा नेपालको राजनीति कतातिर जाँदैछ भन्ने लाग्छ ?
यो कुरा मैले भन्नु भन्दा पनि सर्वसधारणहरुलाई सोध्नु र उहाँहरुबाट यसको जवाफ लिनु फाइदाजनक हुन्छ ।
नेपाली जनताले पुनः राजतन्त्र पुनःस्थापित गर्न चाहे भने तपाईं तयार हुनुहुन्छ ?
यो 'हाइपोथेटिकल' कुरा भयो । राजतन्त्रको विषयमा होस् वा अन्य कुनै पनि राष्ट्रिय सवालमा होस् । जनताको विचार, भनाइ, जनता जनार्दन नै हुन्छन् । त्यसैले सबैले त्यो मान्नै पर्ने हुन्छ ।
पूर्व राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र बाहिर बसेर शक्तिको राजनीति गरिरहेको छ भनेर भन्नेहरु पनि छन् । तिनीहरुलाई के जवाफ दिनु हुन्छ ?
त्यसो भए त धेरै अगाडि धेरै कुरा भइ सक्थ्यो । त्यस्तो हाम्रो बिचारै छैन । नत त्यस्तो नियत नै छ । देशमा अमनचयन र शान्ति होस् भनेर नै केही नमानेर हामीले छाडेका हौं । नेपाली जनताले त्यसको मान्यता, मुल्य बुझेका छन् जस्तो लाग्छ । जनतालाई छाड्नुपर्छ यस्तो प्रश्न ।
तपाईंका दिन कसरी वितिरेहेको छ ?
के भन्ने ? जंगलमा बस्दाखेरी फाइदा हुने रहेछ । शान्ति पनि हुन्छ । विचार गर्ने मौका पनि पाइन्छ । तर, चिन्ता चाहिँ राष्ट्रकै छ । राष्ट्रिय एकता कै छ । सर्वसाधारणले राम्रोसँग, सुखीसँग बस्न पाउन् भन्ने छ । मेरो दिनचर्या पनि यही छ ।
नेपाली जनताले कुनै वेला निक्कै सम्मान गथ्र्यौ राजतन्त्रलाई, भगवानकै रुपमा मान्थे । तर, यतिवेला समय र परिस्थिति त्यस्तो रहेन । एक जना आम नागरिक जसरी नै हामीसँग आउनु भयो, एक जना शक्तिशाली राजा र अहिलेको अवस्थाबीच के भिन्नता पाउनु हुन्छ ?
कहिल्यै पनि शक्ति खोजेको छैनन् राजाहरुले । कहिल्यै पनि कुनै पनि राजाले म देउता हो भनेर बोलेको पनि छैन । त्यो त जनताको माया र विश्वासले भएको कुरा हो जस्तो लाग्छ । मलाई व्यक्तिगत रुपमा कहिल्यै पनि जनताको माझमा अप्ठ्यारो महसुस भएन । पहिले पनि थिएन, अहिले पनि छैन । आज पनि भनौं हामी जानकीको नगरी जनकपुरमा आइ रामनवमीको दिनमा जानकी मन्दिरमा दर्शन गर्न पाउँदा जुन स्नेह, माया, ममता सर्वसाधारणबाट पाएँ, यसको मैले जवाफै दिन सक्दिन । त्यो त, जे जति, जसो बुझेको छु मैले भित्र राखेको छु । मैले बुझेको छु । भएजति जनतालाई मैले धन्यवाद दिनु पर्छ । अरु के भनौं ।
नारायणहिटी काण्ड र माघ १९ को 'कु' पछि राजतन्त्रलाई नेपाली जनताले बिस्तारै कम कम माया मार्दै गएको त सत्य हो नि ?
दुईवटा कुरा त्यसमा । एउटा पाठ जनताले सिकाउँछ पनि र नेतावालाहरुले सिक्नु पर्छ । जनताले हामीलाई त्यस्तै एउटा सन्देस दिएको हो की ? राजाहरु बरु सक्रिय नभएकै जनताले खोजेको हो की ? त्यही एउटा पाठ मैले सिकेको छु । तर, जनताले बिर्सन हुन्न । राजाले अभिभावकको रुप लिनु पर्छ । कहिले त्यसका लागि जे गर्नु पर्छ त्यो समयमा कदम उठाउनै पर्छ ।
सर्वसधारणको सुरक्षा, रक्षा गर्नुपर्ने अबस्था आउँछ । त्यो समयको विचार गर्दा परिस्थिति अर्कौ थियो । त्यो पछाडी फर्केर हेर्नु मात्र होइन, अगडि देश कस्तो हुन्छ ? समृद्ध, सफल त्यस्तो देश हामीलाई चाहिएको छ । त्यतातिर हामी सबै जुटेर जानु पर्दछ ।
दरबार हत्याकाण्ड र माघ १९ राजतन्त्र अन्त्यमा प्रमुख कारण हो भन्छन् । आजसम्म पनि दरवार हत्याकाण्डको रहस्य खुल्न सकेको छैन । यसमा के भनाइ छ ?
सर्वप्रथम म काठमाडौं मै थिइन, घट्ना हुँदा । जे जति हाम्रा परिवार छन् त्यो घट्नामा बाँचेर आएका । उनीहरुको कुरा सुन्दा तथ्य सत्य कुरा आयोगहरुबाट पनि निस्किसकेको छ ।
राजतन्त्रको इतिहास समाप्त हुनुमा कहाँनिर के कमजोरी भयो भन्ने महसुस हुन्छ ?
समाप्त भइसकेको छ भन्ने जस्तो लाग्दैन । त्यसैले त्यो पनि अलि 'हाइपोथेटिकल' नै भयो । अघि भने जस्तै देशको इतिहासको पानाहरु पल्टाएर हेर्दाखेरी माथिजाने, तलजाने, भित्रिने-बाहिरिने भइरहन्छ । फेरि म दाहोर्याउछु, जनताले यो कुरालाई गहन र जिम्मेवारीका विचार गरेर जे निधो गर्छन् । त्यही सबैले मान्नु पर्छ ।
नेपाली जनताले राजतन्त्र हटाइसकेपछि दलहरु गठबन्धन बनाएर अघि बढ्न खोजी रहेका छन् । तर, पनि संविधान निर्माण हुन र शान्ति प्रकृया टुङ्गोमा पुग्न बाँकी छ । माओवादी र अन्य दलहरु मिलेर शासन गरिरहेका छन्, यो किसिमको शासन प्रणालीलाई के भन्नुहुन्छ ?
जनताले यही चाहन्छन् भने ठिक छ । तर, देशलाई, सर्वसाधारणलाई यही ठिक छ यही बाटो नै हिड्न सक्छ भने हामीले के भन्नु । उहाँहरुलाई चित्त बुझेको छैन, कुनै न कुनै ठाउँमा, कुनै न कुनै कुरामा भनेदेखि जस्ले अहिले शासन गरिरहेका छन् । उहाँहरुले विचार गरेर जनताको कुरालाई मान्यता दिनुपर्छ । जनताको र राष्ट्रको हितलाई ध्यानमा राखेर काम गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने हामीलाई लाग्छ ।
तपाईंका भावी योजना अव के छन् ?
नेपालमै बस्छु । नेपालको सेवा गर्छु । नेपालीको सेवा गर्छु । मेरो योजना पहिले पनि यही थियो । अहिले पनि यही छ । भावी पनि त्यही हुनेछ ।
NECC meeting for preparation of Maha Puran by Pundit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel
Venue: Beallsville property of NECC, Maryland
Chaired by: Ram Chandra Bhattarai (Coordinator of Chantilly Area Committee)
Moderated by: Prem Sangraula
Date: 03/19/2010
1. Khilendra Neupane
2. Krishna Nirola
3. Saroj Prajapati
4. Samjhana Nepal
5. Krishna Prajapati
6. Ram Chandra Bhattarai
7. Janardan Adhikari
8. Ram Aryal
9. Resham Rayamajhi
10. Dawa Sherpa
11. Durgeshori Pokhrel
12. Padmaraj Pokhrel
13. Nabin Nepal
14. Nirmal Thapa
15. Shrikrishna Lamichhane
16. Badri Khanal
17. Loknath Tiwari
18. Shridhar Gyawali
19. Madhusudhan Bhandari
20. Laxmi Nepal
21. Prem Sangraula
22. Makar Rayamajhi (left early)
Ram Kharel, Hari K Sharma, Kabindra Sitoula, Dr. Shyam Karki and Surendra Pradhan, Bishnu Thapa, Ram Prasad Khanal and Dr. Mahendra Karki (informed verbally to Khilendra Neupane) informed for not being able to attend the meeting.
Agendas and discussions:
Puja Mandap and stage decoration:
1. Pundit Shridhar Gyawali and Laxman Bhandari will work all the necessary arrangements regarding Purbang, Huvan and all shorts of Karma Kand Byasasan will be borrowed at discount rate from Hari Krishna Mandir in Potomac.
2. Stage decoration: Loknath Tiwari, Ram Chandra Bhandari, Krishna Prajapati, Laxmi Nepal, Saroj Prajapati, Rajendra Wagle, Sailesh Bhandari, Sheila Mudwari, and Samjhana Nepal will lead the work. Banners for the program will be arranged by Loknath Tiwari.
3. Sound System: Khilendra Neupane already booked the sound system for both April 3rd and 4th with DJ Dinesh Gurung in Baltimore. Expenses regarding the sound system will be explored through possible sponsors. Dr. Shyam Karki will look into the possibilities of some of the sponsors on this matter from the Baltimore area.
4. Bhajan/Kritan: Pundit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel has suggested having a brief meeting of Bhajan Kritan crews with Pundit jee on Friday evening April 2 right after his arrival. Prem Sangraula will pick up Pundit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel on Friday from the Dulles Airport in that afternoon. A brief meeting of Bhajan Kritan crew with Pundit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel will be held at Prem Sangraula’s house. Ram Prasad Khanal, Khem Sangraula, Sheila Mudwari, Tika Pun, and Manju Sangraula will lead the Bhajan.
5. Puja samagri and place: Pundit Shridhar Gyawali and Laxmi Nepal will arrange all samagri related to Puja.
6. Fruits and flowers distribution as a Prasad: The meeting would like to request everyone in the mailing list to bring flowers and fruit for Puran. Decoration stuffs, Mala, and flowers will be bought by Loknath Tiwari, Saroj Prajapati, and Makar Rayamajhi for Mandap preparation.
7. Dr. Shyam Karki, Ram Malakar, Manju Sangraula, Saroj Prajapati, Bishnu Thapa, Sunita Siwakoti, Rabina Thapa, Indira Karki, Rita Nirola, and Samjhana Nepal will find volunteers for the whole session of the Puran in the community center.
8. At least 10 regular fans will be arranged for the Puran. Who will bring those?
Registration and Donation information:
1. Sign up desk for the attendances: Kabindra Sitoula with the help of Netra Ghising will make the registration of all devotees during the Maha Puran. He will lead the work and collect name, email and phone of all attendees for future references. He will also make attractive volunteers’ name tag. They will use more volunteers if needed.
2. Donation information will be updated, recorded, and announced by Netra Ghising.
3. Assign Volunteers: Rajesh Shrestha, Laxman Pradhan, Shyam Karki, Krishna Nirola, CPA Hari Sharma, Netra Ghising, Damaru Adhikari, Rajendra Chhetri, and Jayambhu Ranjit will take the lead.
Parking: For all shorts of arrangement regarding parking, Krishna Prajapati, Gopal Rayamajhi and Rajendra Rimal will coordinate and they will seek more volunteers for proper management. Khem Bhattachan and friends from America Nepal Society (ANS) should help to manage the parking. Traffic dress will be provided for those volunteers. (Please bring if you have one).
1. Carpet for the floor: The meeting decided to buy the carpet using the left over money that was raised during the floor construction by Gaithersburg Area Committee. Makar Rayamajhi primarily proposed to utilize the amount that was raised for floor construction. Khilendra Neupane and Makar Rayamajhi will buy the carpet for the flooring and Dawa Sherpa will deliver it to the center. Saroj Prajapati will borrow the runner carpets from Pasha Pucha for the sitting arrangement.
2. Supplies: milk, sugar, tea, salt, and utensil: spoons, forks, napkins, plates, & cups for tea, toilet papers, liquid shop and others, trash bags: Loknath Tiwari will buy all those supplies and such expenses will be reimbursed by assign volunteers or the NECC. Gaithersburg Area Committee will provide the volunteers if needed for the shopping.
Community involve with Utensil: Also, meeting decided to request the organizations to provide following items. Netra Ghising, Prem Sangraula, Khilendra Neupane, Makar Rayamajhi, Ram Chandra Bhattarai, and Lok Tiwari will coordinate with all the listed orgs for those items. If they agree, Lok Tiwari ji will buy and get the reimbursement from them later.
ANA: Spoons – 2500 pieces
ANS: Forks – 2500 pieces
BANA: Napkins – 2500 pieces
NPPA: Plates – 1300 pieces
NOA: Cups – 1300 pieces
Ghar e Kabab: Tea Cups – 2500 pieces
ANWA: Toilets Papers
Tamang Society: Trash Bags (heavy black one)
Gurung Society: Liquid Shops
INLS: Paper Towels (10 rolls)
Water bottle supplies: Following core volunteers will arrange for 100 bottles each day. Please request within your network to bring more water and fruits.
Germantown – Shailesh Bhandari – 200 bottles of water and fruits
Silver Spring – Beda Pradhan - 200 bottles of water and fruits
Nirmal Thapa: Arlington: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Ram Khanal: Manassas: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Bipin Uprety: Lorton: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Kabindra Sitoula: VA: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Anil Pathak: VA: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Hari K Sharma: VA: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Surendra Pradhan: MD: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Dr. Mahendra Karki: MD: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Dr. Shyam Karki: MD: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Simon Dhungana: MD: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Rabina Thapa: MD: 200 bottles of water and fruits
Prasad preparation and distribution: 2500 plates of Prasad are estimated for 2 days.
Kheer, Chholay, Aaluko Achar, Chiura/Bhuja will be the items for Prasad.
Kheer: Makar Rayamajhi will coordinate to prepare this item.
Chholay and Chiura/Bhuja will be prepared by Ghar e Kabab
Aaluko Achar: Alexandria Area committee for Saturday, Chantilly Area Committee for Sunday event. Also, Bishnu Thapa and other volunteers will bring more delicious Aaluko Achar.
Milk tea will be provided during the Maha Puran. Shishir Upadhyaya and Bishnu Rayamajhi will coordinate the work and mobilize the volunteers.
Assign Volunteers: Ghar e Kabab, Gaithersburg, Alexandria, and Chantilly Area committees.
Publicity: Within the next 3/4 days, an announcement will be prepared and send out to the community through the media.
The meeting assigns NECC media coordinator Ram Kharel, Lorton Area Coordinator Bipin Uprety, and Manassas Area representative Ram Prasad Khanal will publicize the message in the upcoming NOA cultural festival on Saturday March 27 and on Sunday March 28 in the NAJA program by Monjo Gajurel. Also, they will publicize the event through the local Medias. Moreover, Meeting unanimously agreed to request Sagarmatha Television to cover the event in both days. Several volunteers will distribute the flyers of the program’s detail during those programs and their local areas.
Since the time is very short to reach out all the families in the area, the meeting would like to request all the friends and families in different locations to spread the Maha Puran information using their effective net working such as phone, e-mail, and in-person. A small initiation for each of the friends would be a great help for an effective information flow in the neighborhood. We have listed some Area Committees and friends for the publicity, but we understand that it is not enough. The meeting would like to request to all friends and families to spread Maha Puran to the neighborhood.
By Area committees:
1. Gaithersburg – Makar Rayamajhi and friends
2. Germantown – Shailesh Bhandari and friends
3. Silver Spring – Beda Pradhan and friends
4. Rockville –Lok Tiwari and friends
5. Baltimore – Rabina Thapa and friends
6. Arlington – Nirmal Thapa, Badri Khanal, Laxmi Mishra, Lekhnath Bhandari and friends
7. Chantilly – Ram Chandra Bhattarai, Madhav Pokhrel, Laxmi Gaudel, Parshu Bhandari, Khem Sangraula, Anandu Lama, Madan Thapa and friends
8. Alexandria – Madhu Bhandari, Janardan Adhikari, Khem Sharma and friends
9. Manassas – Ram Prasad Khanal, Kamal Bhattarai, Madhu Panthi, Rajeev Mainali, Govind Mainali, Kamala Kharel, Rishi Khanal, Ramesh/Kabita Basnet and friends
10. Lorton and Springfield– Bipin Uprety, Yaksha Dahal, Ramesh Uprety, Subash Joshi
11. Woodbridge: Homnath Subedi, Basu Shrestha, Bidur Gurung, Narayan Gurung, Bhagawan Shrestha and other friends.
12. Falls Church and Fairfax: Ram Bashyal, Rajendra Thapa, Rajesh Chhetri, Buddha Lama, Rajendra Oli, Damaru Adhikari, Basu Satyal and friends
12. All the members of Board of Directors in the area: Simon Dhungana, Krishna Nirola, Dr. Shyam Karki, Anil Pathak, Dr. Maheshwor Baidya, Bishnu Thapa, Sabina Thapa, Surendra Pradhan and Kabindra Sitoula: BOD members will focus all the families in the region who are residing in the USA for decades. The meeting request to all the BOD members to call all those friends and families for attending the Maha Puran. Since Pundit Deen Bandhu Pokhrel is a young, bright and great orator of Bhagawat Geeta Puran, the meeting would like to request to all to tell friends and families about his extra ordinary oratory skills for strengthening cultural and spiritual consciousness so that no one will miss this opportunity.
Banner of the Maha Puran and NECC: Lok Tiwari will make/arrange one banner related to the Puran and other 2 with the name of “Nepal Education and Cultural Center, Greater Washington DC, USA” and one more for “Welcome” banner.
Shoes & Sandals: Shoes & Sandals are not allowed inside the community center at the event. Prem Sangraula will request to Chhimeki Gaun to bring a tent to manage those Shoes & Sandals near by the entrance.
End of the day: Clean up, trash collection, and distribution: Since the Maha Puran is scheduled for two days, the meeting would like to request to all friends to complete the clean up task before leaving the property each day. Meeting has assigned following committees:
Saturday: NECC Management Committee: Mahendra Karki and entire team
Sunday: NECC Task force and Board of Directors: Simon Dhungana and entire team
More Toilets & cleanup: Meeting decided to rent or buy two more portable toilets for the event. After the meeting, Khilendra Neupane ordered two toilets at the very minimal cost of $100.00 and 6 clean up (before the event 2 and after the event 4) order for another $100.00 of cost. NECC will pay the total cost $200.00 for the toilets.
Perk Test and County Permission: Krishna Nirola, Suresh Baral, Khilendra Neupane, Santosh Dhakal, and Prem Sangraula are dealing for the permission from the county.
More preparation work: The meeting decided to do all the stage preparation work as follows:
Date: Sunday 28th March & Friday 2nd April
Time: 2pm – 4pm
The meeting would like to request all the officers of the NECC (BOD members, mgmt team and the Area Committee coordinators), friends and families to come and volunteer for those scheduled days.
Meeting has decided following schedule for the Maha Puran:
Date: April 3rd Saturday & April 4th Sunday, 2010
Time: 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM (all day)
Venue: 20520 Beallsville Rd, Beallsville, MD 20839
Volunteers should report by 8 am in both mornings.
Thanked: Meeting thanked to Mr. Dawa Sherpa for the refrigerator donation to NECC. Also, thanked to volunteers who cleaned up the community center before the meeting. Moreover, Krishna and Saroj Prajapati promised to donate another refrigerator and arrange to buy 50 more chair in minimal cost. Dr. Maheswor Baidhya already promised to pay those chairs last year.
Ram Chandra Bhattarai, chair person of the meeting, thanked to all the participants for their inputs, dedications and clean-up work and adjourned the meeting.
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